accesstohealth thewhitecoatreport cowf dhafoundation medgeo medishareproject nonprofit changinglives childrenofwarfoundation countdown doctorsoflagos endhepb healthcaredelivery healthforall healthiswealth healthylivers hepatitisbawareness humanitarians iamcowf igboefonmedicalcentre march30 medicalhealth supportsystem vaccination wearecowf aidpeacelove hepatitisbvirus equalaccess accesstohealthcare
Not only does access to quality maternal healthcare ensure the good health of a mother - her good health also helps to ensure the health of her newborn child and the rest of her family. This is the mantra we work by. Safe mothers mean safe children and safe futures.⠀
#ittakesavillage #mothers #pregnancy #safechildbirth #healthcare #accesstohealth #healthpovertyaction #maternalhealth #support #donate #globalparents #globalhealth #mumsformums
For World Hearing Day and Week, we're encouraging our buddies to get their hearing checked. Click the link in our bio to download a FREE hearing test app from the World Health Organization.
Hearing loss occurs naturally as we age, but exposure to loud sounds can cause premature hearing damage. It's a good idea to get regular hearing tests and always use volume-limiting headphones, especially for our younger buddies.
#WHO #worldhearingday #hearingtest #checkyourhearing #dontdelay #canyouhearmenow #checkup #healthyhearing #safeaudio #buddyphones #volumelimiting #kidsheadphones #safelistening #unitednations #protectyourhearing #linkinbio #freetest #downloadnow #accesstohealth #humanrights
Bake sale tomorrow, @schulichlaw! 11am-3pm. Purchase goodies with menstrual products (of any size/variety!) to support @gowiththeflow.dal or purchase with cash to support @centreavalon! @dalhousieu Feminist Legal Association is the best. #menstrualequity
#dalhousie #lawschool #dalperiod #halifaxnoise #halifax #novascotia #accesstohealth #womenshealth #reproductivehealth #bakesale #fundraiser #dallaw