Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #ACROSSTHEFLOOR

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#acrossthefloor #dance #ballet #jazz #dancers #love #turns #danceworkshop #technique #danceclass #tinydancers #barefoot #besties #bliss #cali #contemporary #crazy #dancefloor #danceteacher #friends #generationdcd #marthagraham #progressions #sandiego #sisters #wedding #contemporarydance #dancer #dancetechnique

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #ACROSSTHEFLOOR
#acrossthefloor #acrossthefloors #acrossthefloorcombo #acrossthefloormovemments #acrossthefloordancestudio #acrossthefloorexercise #acrossthefloorpartner #acrossthefloorcombos #acrossthefloorwork #acrossthefloorcombination #acrossthefloorsfordays #acrossthefloorsofsilentseas #acrossthefloorjazz #acrossthefloorandoutthedoor #acrossthefloormasterpieces #acrosstheflooronthefloor #acrosstheflooryoga #acrossthefloorwha #acrossthefloorcharacter #acrossthefloorhiphop #acrossthefloorexercises #acrossthefloorready #acrossthefloorleaps #acrossthefloorswitheddy #acrossthefloorpatterns #acrossthefloorjumps #acrossthefloorteachers #acrossthefloore #acrossthefloorsequence #acrossthefloorin80ways #acrossthefloorvibes

Хештеги на тему #ACROSSTHEFLOOR

‘put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. this is the secret to success.’ • • last week I had the honor of teaching at @stagedoorstudios we talked about a lot of things in classes and focused on how to approach training from different angles...it was a joy to share the dance space with you all and know I learned from you just as much as I hope you learned from me • • • ‍♀️: @riley.justice @melinamalliaras #creatingartistsnotjustdancers #conditionforperformance #dancetraining #dancetechnique #danceclass #dancevideo #acrossthefloor #battement #control #leghold #placement #focusedeffort #guestteachers #summertraining #danceintensive #danceeducation #danceeducator #danceteacher #dancecoach #dancementor

Хештеги на тему #ACROSSTHEFLOOR

All the sass! Werkin’ it across the floor . . . . #acrossthefloor #progressions #dancetechnique #leapsandturns #sassy #struts #jazz #pirouette #dancetechnique #pumpit #surpriseleap #calypso #techniquematters #techniqueonfleek #skyrastudios #pasdebourree

Хештеги на тему #ACROSSTHEFLOOR

‘Each time we FACE our FEAR, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the DOING.’ -Theodore Roosevelt • • part of finding ‘success’ in anything you do is being able to believe you are capable and deserving of it. if you don’t have the confidence in yourself it is hard for others to find it for you. • • recently in class, when I film a progression, I am ASKING THE STUDENTS who believes they have the combo and wants to do it for the class...being able to give my students a safe space to believe in themselves and put themselves out there is part of educating. they might mess up, forget, or not execute to their fullest, however I gave them the opportunity to believe they could try...and if mistakes happen, we try again. take today and believe you deserve and are capable of whatever it is you desire to accomplish...it will change everything ⭐️ • • #creatingartistsnotjustdancers #conditionforperformance #dancetraining #dancetechnique #danceprogressions #acrossthefloor #jazzclass #techniquefirst #techniquetuesday #battement #flexibility #control #leghold #danceclass #dancevideo #danceeducation #danceeducator #danceteacher #dancecoach #dancementor

Хештеги на тему #ACROSSTHEFLOOR

‘maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots.’ -rumi • • #techniquetuesday is something I started doing with my students a few years ago...and the shifts that have happened in their technique, class approach, and overall commitment have changed drastically for the better. There is no quick way to change something that is worth keeping...looking for ‘quick fixes’ is not going to get lasting, quality results. Dig deeper and focus on the foundation...those slow shifts will build something sturdy and strong that will last well beyond the years any dancer is in the studio • • #creatingartistsnotjustdancers #conditionforperformance #jazzprogression #acrossthefloor #pirouettes #footwork #dancevideo #danceclass #dancetechnique #dancetraining #foundationaltraining #slowandsteady #dancersofinstagram #danceeducation #danceeducator #danceteacher #dancecoach #dancementor

Хештеги на тему #ACROSSTHEFLOOR

Teaching tomorrow MONDAY at @tmillytv at 4! Let’s dance❤️ Dancers in this video @whiitneynicolee @chanibell @justjaimar @pink “Hustle” #tmilly #tmillytv #tmillyproductions #jazz #jazzdance #pink #hustle #hurts2bhuman #class #dance #danceclass #technique #warmup #acrossthefloor #choreo #willbbellchoreography

Хештеги на тему #ACROSSTHEFLOOR

Love some legwork! . . . . #legwork #dancetechnique #control #balance #engageyourcore #taller #posture #flexibility #buildingstrength #dance #dancer #dancechallenge #acrossthefloor #techniquematters #skyra #skyrastudios #dancersofig #arabesque #ponche #devlope #legsfordays

Хештеги на тему #ACROSSTHEFLOOR

‘there are two gifts we should give our children; one is roots and the other is wings.’ • • it is so important to empower our young students to take ownership of their growth and development. We have to guide them to find the answers for themselves which can be a trying task especially when they sometimes struggle to find their way. Helping young people discover and accept who they are as people and students will give them the courage and confidence to go for their goals...trust that YOU have what it takes to lead the way and then let them soar • • being GROUNDED both mentally and physically gives you so much FREEDOM in the choices you make (mental) the movement you execute (physical)...remember to keep your weight forward, your eyes focused, and your brain engaged and you can TRAVEL ANYWHERE • • #creatingartistsnotjustdancers #conditionforperformance #dancetraining #danceclass #dancetechnique #grounded #jazzclass #jazzprogression #acrossthefloor #weighttransfer #focus #corecontrol #dancevideo #danceeducation #danceeducator #dancersofinstagram #danceteacher #dancecoach #dancementor

Хештеги на тему #ACROSSTHEFLOOR

#techniquetuesday is back and was tonight!! We worked a lot on control, dynamics, completing movement, and elongating through our lines this evening...so happy to be back to our regularly scheduled programming • • ‍♀️: @brie.weaver @samaraaa.m @kaylasatkinson⭐️ : @victorias_school_of_dance ⭐️ • • #creatingartistsnotjustdancers #conditionforperformance #jazzprogression #acrossthefloor #jazzdance #control #placement #pirouette #turntuesday #leap #axel #danceclass #dancevideo #dancersofinstagram #dancetraining #dancetechnique #techniquefirst #danceeducator #danceteacher #dancementor

Хештеги на тему #ACROSSTHEFLOOR

Working extensions and turns on #techniquetuesday with @ocsacmd Group 6 . . #jazztechnique #jazzturns #jazzextensions #acrossthefloor #ocsacmd

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