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Хештеги на тему #ADOPTIONSTORY

"Word on the street is…. Our Councell Clan is growing from three members… to four!!!⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ WE’RE ADOPTING, FOLKS!!!⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ *cue the music; shimmy shoulders; dramatic hip thrusts; sliding shuffle in tube socks across the kitchen floor; jazz hands; confetti cannons*⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ I’ve written and re-written this post in my head for months as we entered into this process… ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Truth be told, one post simply cannot convey the roller coaster ride we’ve ridden the past 2 years to end up at this beautiful, monumental decision.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ We have been “pregnant” at heart for quite some time and it is a sheer joy to finally be taking the first tangible steps towards welcoming our child into our arms. ⁣" @ladycouncell ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣//⁣⁣ ⁣⁣Follow AllieMarie at @adoptiontakesavillage for a raw, honest look at her #adoptionjourney ⁣

Хештеги на тему #ADOPTIONSTORY

This weekend, 7 of our Los Angeles kittens went to their forever homes! Please join us in welcoming Mustang, Dora, Poppy, Peter, Aspen, Denver, and Cheerio to the #cwalumni club. For every kitten that finds their perfect family, our partners are able to save another cat from the risk of euthanasia. Thank you to all of our wonderful adopters, visitors, and supporters for making our mission possible! 1,176 A D O P T E D 2,511 S A V E D L O C A T I O N: L A #cwalumni #catcafe #crumbsandwhiskers #thekittenlounge #kittenlounge #kittenloungela #adoptdontshop #savethemall #adoptionstory

Хештеги на тему #ADOPTIONSTORY

We visited big brother and sister today ❤️ . . . . #ezramookie #family #love #adoption #mightymamasbyadoption #lovemakesafamily #adoptionislove #adoptionjourney #adoptionstory #infertility #infertilityawareness #infertilityjourney #angelbabies #twinmom #boymom #angelmom #childloss #pregnancyloss

Хештеги на тему #ADOPTIONSTORY

This week we had Colbie’s quarterly eye exam and this is the FIRST appointment we have ever seen vision IMPROVEMENT!! Her right eye could previously only see the biggest line of letters and this week she was able to see two lines further down. I had felt like a pretty bad mom nearly forcing her to patch these last few months, but once she saw her own improvement she has been patching on her own every day since. Sometimes being a mom means making hard decisions and helping your kids (and yourself) to see them through. While she will never improve enough to be out of glasses, I am so proud of this sweet girl and her new found dedication to improving all that she can // . . . #motherhood #childhoodunplugged #letthembelittle #mytinymoments #igmotherhood #adoption #adoptionstory #adoptionjourney #adoptionrocks #adoptionislove #lovemakesafamily #domesticadoption #openadoption #ourcandidlife #pixel_kids #momlife #motherly

Хештеги на тему #ADOPTIONSTORY

Our lives are officially over, we’ve got a mover! I remember the first day I set Carter down, went to make coffee and came back and he had left the room.. I vividly remember the words “it’s all over now..” coming out of my mouth. They will never stop again, but thank goodness it’s so dang fun! Relaxation is for the weak really. // . . . #motherhood #childhoodunplugged #letthembelittle #mytinymoments #igmotherhood #adoption #adoptionstory #adoptionjourney #adoptionrocks #adoptionislove #lovemakesafamily #domesticadoption #openadoption #ourcandidlife #pixel_kids #momlife #motherly

Хештеги на тему #ADOPTIONSTORY

This is a photo of a hard moment for us both. Colbie was given instructions and told she would participate in something we had all been waiting all day for after she (and her brother) followed through. She not only didn’t follow through but other issues ensued and I had to make the choice to follow my words and keep her home. This is HARD. It’s hard for her and hard for me. Every fiber of my being wanted to take back my boundaries and let her go, my eyes watered as I truly empathized with her how upset I was that she was hurting, but that’s not my job. My job is to provide my children with the ability to see the world as it is, love them fiercely through it, and allow them to be able to thrive someday in that world all on their own. That means following through when it STINKS. The best parenting advice I received is “never threaten something you’re unwilling to see through” and I’ve ate my words more times than I can count.. this means that when I tell the kids we can have our favorite ice cream tonight if they can make their beds before we leave or clean their arts and crafts mess and they don’t - no ice cream, even though I wanted it more than they did. It also means I can’t say things like “If you don’t stop yelling I’ll pull the car over and you can walk home” because thats NEVER realistically going to happen. A part of them growing into healthy adults mean setting realistic expectations, encouraging their success but not rewarding it when is doesn’t happen. I cannot shelter them from the realities they will face someday later, but I also set my husband and I up for failure now if they stop taking us seriously. The last thing I want are kids who feel like I’m full of “empty threats and promises” and push scary boundaries because they don’t trust my words. So I held her here, she cried, I snuggled her, we took deep breaths, she’s still sad and so am I but she told me she loves me anyway and we will be okay. It’s hard, but it’s necessary and our grown children will someday get it. // ❤️

Хештеги на тему #ADOPTIONSTORY

Friendly Reminder ☝️ : @yaabarbie

Хештеги на тему #ADOPTIONSTORY

I have a problem. ——— We found a home made donut delivery guy who lives 5 minutes away. FIVE MINUTES. He has been a donut creator extraordinaire his entire life and now makes them in his shop and drives them to customers. Y’all.. I’ve NEVER in my life had a donut like this and I now have a problem. How can one live knowing that the worlds most perfect donuts are five minutes away (not even having to load kids to go get them) and also desire to lose a few pounds. I lack self control. It’s all out the window. I’m currently shopping for a wardrobe of stretchy pants that will feed the desire. Hope your Thursday is as perfect as Lonny’s Donuts. // . . . #motherhood #childhoodunplugged #letthembelittle #mytinymoments #igmotherhood #adoption #adoptionstory #adoptionjourney #adoptionrocks #adoptionislove #lovemakesafamily #domesticadoption #openadoption #ourcandidlife #pixel_kids #momlife #motherly

Хештеги на тему #ADOPTIONSTORY

I hope y’all are enjoying the Colbie spam, because I could write books about all the things this child says this morning while playing pretend: ——— Colbie - “Mom... can princesses save boys instead?” Me - “Absolutely” Colbie - “Well I am a princess and I have to save all these boys but I kinda don’t want to. I want to just be alone for a while. So they will have to wait.” ——— You go princess Colbie I remember when we had them close together I was thinking how awesome it was that she’d have the big scary brother in school with her. Well 1. He is the sweetest, kindest, most not scary boy in the world and 2. She is the strongest, fiercest most independent little girl around. All the fears I once had have vanished, you go girl // . . . @kyliepowersphotography #motherhood #childhoodunplugged #letthembelittle #mytinymoments #igmotherhood #adoption #adoptionstory #adoptionjourney #adoptionrocks #adoptionislove #lovemakesafamily #domesticadoption #openadoption #ourcandidlife #pixel_kids #momlife #motherly

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