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Décember 2018 - zombie game at agile playground Paris
Tous les mois je participe à des meet ups sur Paris entre coaches agiles et d'autres intéressés par le sujet.
On y pratique toute sorte de jeux, de serious games, d'ice breakers qui sont presque tous porteurs d'enseignements en gestion d'équipe projet ou développement personnel.
Ce jour là, j'animais un atelier zombie game que j'avais confectionné pour apprendre à gérer son stress.
Moment très fun à vivre et à reproduire cet été à la plage.
#zombiegame #zombiegames #agileplayground #agileworking #coachingtime #teambuilding #seriousgame #agilegame #innovationgames #coachagile #agilecoach #scrumagile #agilecoaching #lfl #l4l #l4like #r4r #likeforlikes #tagsforlike #fff #f4f #follow4follow #instagramfollowers #igersparis #xebia @cegeka_de @__sambre_ @wwjsi @tjelare @cristinac74
When a coworker asks you: “If I agree to do this, can I ignore it and if not, who is going to enforce it?”
Hold my beer and let me get my sword!!!
Should I just stop working with people and go full time demon slaying?
Another amazing photo by @kaywinnith
It’s not easy to post diverse photos if you’re just starting and only have one costume sofar, so bear with me for a bit longer
#judgementarmor #cosplay #armorcosplay #foamarmor #warcraft #warcraftcosplay #paladin #paladincosplay #wowcosplay #blizzardcosplay #worldofwarcraft #wowpaladin #paladint2 #worbla #evafoam #armor #cosplayarmor #forthealliance #ashbringer #wowclassic #vanillawow #holdmybeer #agilecoach
December 2018 - #babyfoot en Légo J'organise les séminaires récurrents que nous avons à notre travail chez
Ce sont des réunions pot où on essaie de réunir les consultants tous les deux mois.
Et pour que ce soit vraiment enrichissant et fun en même temps, je cherche des idées et des activités d'animation.
En l'occurrence ici, c'est le défi bâtisseur car quand on fait partie d'un leader de l'agilité, c'est un peu dans notre ADN.
Pendant 20 minutes et pendant que les autres discours et interventions ont lieu en parallèle, deux équipes s'affrontent sur le même thème qui était ici la nouvelle baseline de Talan, "future is the new playfied". Et l'équipe vainqueur a conçu ce magnifique babyfoot en légo.
Et alors avez-vous une âme de bâtisseur ?
Pensez-vous qu'on peut allier travail et jeu comme je le fais ?
#talan #legofan #buildingtoy #legostagram #legophotography #legoaddict #HomeOfTheBrick #futureisaplayfield #bestplacetowork #talaninside #creatingthefuture #collectiveintelligence #intelligencecollective #teambuilding #legoseriousplay #magicbricks #agilecoach #gptw #lfl #l4l #l4like #r4r #likeforlikes
It’s going to be a long stride and you know that too. The path is windier than you thought - so WHAT DO YOU DO?
All you need to do is - W.A.L.K ♂️
W - know WHERE you are going
A - ASK if this is where you want to reach
L - LIVE every step in full awareness
K - KICK the doubt away like path pebbles ☑️
In the end it’s going to be WORTH IT. .
#motivation #motivationtuesday #life #quotes #walk #pneumonic #coach #mentor #efficiency #agilecoach #nlp #master #personalmastery #shamolykhera #presenter #tv #speaker #inspire #speak #leadership #confidence
No último final de semana foi realizado um workshop sobre Agilidade com o time da IHM Stefanini atualmente locado na Gerdau. O workshop foi conduzido pelo nosso Agile Coach Fernando Abrão com o objetivo de potencializar o time em alta performance através da autogestão de tarefas e autoconhecimento, além de aumentar a capacidade de produção. A mudança de mindset e a adaptação às metodologias ágeis requerem treinamento, adaptação e sustentação. Seguimos firmes e engajados nessa jornada.
#scrum #agile #kanban #jornada #agilecoach #altaperformance #lean
O QUE VOCÊ TÁ ESPERANDO PRA SE JOGAR NA VIDA? Assuma responsabilidades sem vitimismo ou piedade de si!
Se transformar mudar e melhorar sua vida, requer dedicação somente de você!
Só você poder dar um primeiro passo para seguir uma trilha de realizações!
Tenha em suas mãos o seu próprio destino.
Perceba o quanto tudo o que te acontece é responsabilidade sua.
Abandone crenças de que você não consegue, e de que as coisas nunca vão mudar.
Faça o que é preciso para ser feito, sua vida é seu tesouro, APROPRIE-SE dela e faça acontecer! um beijo pra @marimabfotografia talentosíssima
ПРОФЕССИЯ. (Eng below) я Agile coach/Scrum master. Я уверенна что почти для всех моих подписчиков это что-то неведомое. Интересно как вы думаете чем я занимаюсь на работе Есть идеи?
PROFESSION. I am Agile Coach/Scrum master. And I am sure 90 % of my followers don’t know what are those words about and they know nothing about what I do in the office day to day. It’s very interesting to hear your thoughts of what I do there #agilecoach #consultant #scrummaster #business #motivation #businesswoman #businesslady #inspiration
PLANS. (Рус пред пост)
25 of May next retrospectives training in Kharkiv 1 June professional retrospectives training in Kyiv. 8 June - PM Day Odessa - discussing now if we will be speakers there. And in Kharkiv project management community we are heaving some upgrade plans. Stay tuned! and of course a few great books in my list: «User stories applied» By Jaff Patton and “Lean Startup”. Do you have some self-development plans? PSthe most important note - that’s getting used to sports and healthy eating. #agilecoach #leanstartup #lean #speaker #woman #lady #business #inspiration #businesslady #businesswoman #motivation