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Scott M. Graffius was named Author of the Week by AUTHORSWEEK.COM for his new title, Agile Transformation: A Brief Story of How an Entertainment Company Developed New Capabilities and Unlocked Business Agility to Thrive in an Era of Rapid Change ( ) >>> #Agile #AgileBook #AgileEbook #AgileCoach #AgileProjectManagement #AgileScrum #AgileScrumGuide #AgileTransformation #Author #Authorsweek #Book #BookBuzz #BookMarketing #Business #ChangeManagement #Digital #eBook #InformationTechnology #Innovation #Leadership #Management #Mindset #ProjectManagement #ProductDevelopment #Reading #Scrum #Success #Tech #Technology #Transformation
Honored to have AGILE SCRUM included in Michael Tomlin’s “A Scrum Practitioner’s Guide to Software Development – What’s on Your Bookshelf?” >>> >>> #Agile #AgileImplementation #AgilePM #AgilePMO #AgileProjectManagement #AgileScrum #AgileScrumGuide #AgileTransformation #Book #Bookbuzz #Bookshelf #Business #CSM #CSPO #Digital #eBook #IT #Leadership #PMOT #ProjectManagement #ProjectMgmt #Scrum #ScrumMaster #ScrumPractitioner #Software #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #Startup #Tech #Technology
Diese Woche steht bei mir ganz klar unter der Überschrift „Inspiration“. Kaum war ich zurück im Büro, hat mich meine liebe Kollegin @sinibinisinibini gefragt, ob ich zu einem Meetup mitkomme. ⠀
Ich hatte glücklicherweise mein Skizzenbuch in der Tasche (hatte die Sketchnotes der letzten Tage gescannt) und fand das Thema des #meetup irgendwie spannend. Die „New Work Women Night“ im Co-Working-Space beschäftige sich unter anderem mit Agilität und Burnout. Aber auch mit #feelgoodmanagement . Also kam ich spontan mit.
Schlußendlich verknüpfte der Input und das nachträgliche Gespräch gestern total gut meine Fortbildung unter Verwaltungsmenschen mit meiner Arbeit. Das #gravesvaluesystem war mir noch neu. Und gezeichnet habe ich natürlich auch .
more inspiration. Yesterday I spontaneously joined my colleagues at a #meetup on the topic #newwork. One input was about #agile and #burnout . The #meetup with good discussions gave me new ideas about my working life.
[Werbung - unbeauftragt]
#newwork #visuals #agile #agileprojectmanagement #gravesvalues #sketchnote #sketchbook #sketchnoter #coworkingspace #coworking #newwork #netzwerken #agility #scrum #flatlay
Webinar sobre Gestão de Projetos
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➡️ Inscrições abertas para o nosso Webinar sobre Gestão de Projetos do dia 25/07 (19:30h-21:30h).
➡️ Este Webinar Grátis tem o objetivo de apresentar e discutir, de forma introdutória, as melhores práticas de Gestão de Projetos, fazendo um apanhado sobre as Metodologias Tradicionais (PMBOK) e Ágeis (Design Thinking, Canvas, Scrum e Kanban) de Gestão de Projetos.
Ao participar do Webinar sobre Gestão de Projetos, você vai receber: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
✔ O [e-Book] Webinar sobre Gestão de Projetos, totalmente grátis. ✔ Cupom de Desconto de 10% para todos os Treinamentos On-line e Certificações Internacionais comercializados no site. ✔ Cupom de Desconto de 10% na aquisição de Treinamentos Presenciais e Palestras. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Faça já a sua Inscrição! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Vagas Limitadas!! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Seja bem-vindo!
A.A.Figueiredo Consultoria Empresarial
#agile #startups #projectmanagement #scrum #designthinking #businessplan #projetos #consultoria #treinamento #gestãodeprojetos #canvas #kanban #agileprojectmanagement #imersão #metodologiaságeisdeprojeto #capacitaçãoprofissional #gestãotradicionaldeprojetos #gestaoagildeprojetos #marketing #vendas #marketingdigital #gestãodevendas #webinar
If i have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants (Newton)
And it's ok to be the only woman in the room working software, thank you Vimal #gratitude
#agilemindset #scrum #scrumban #agileprojectmanagement #workingsoftware #informationtechnology #iteration #behaviordrivendevelopment #continousimprovement
It's always the best feeling when Vice President of Agile Leadership Network and one of Sysco's brilliant minds is FEMALE lol. Sorry not sorry, but just had to emphasize that she is WOMAN hehehe . Amazing time with #agilelegends #devops #IT #mindset #business. It's about humanizing technology like never before. Innovation, value, empowering, and impact is most paramount globally Thanks to all amazing sponsors
Agile Alliance
Agile Earth
Decca Consulting
Improving Technology and Consulting
A journey of a life time #continousimprovement #continousdevelopment #lifelonglearner #Kanban #agileprojectmanagement #agilist #lean
Camping with #agility
The Project Management Body of Knowledge is a set of standard terminology and guidelines for project management. The body of knowledge evolves over time and is presented in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, a book whose sixth edition was released in 2017.
Much of the PMBOK Guide is unique to project management e.g. critical path method and work breakdown structure (WBS). The PMBOK Guide also overlaps with general management regarding planning, organising, staffing, executing and controlling the operations of an organisation. Other management disciplines which overlap with the PMBOK Guide include financial forecasting, organisational behaviour, management science, budgeting and other planning methods.
Some years ago there would have been a strict hierarchy at the Digital Factory, but now the team have moved to working with the SCRUM-method - this means that work is not strictly determined by project plans and hierarchies. Instead, the team starts with 'Planning Poker': all the work that needs to be completed in the weeks ahead is presented, and the team can rank it using playing cards. Based on priority and estimated complexity, a decision is then made as to whether the feature can be developed within the next two weeks - not something you would expect at a global bank. Click the link in our bio for more.
#thefutureofbanking #nextgen #tech #agileworkplace #agileprojectmanagement #bankinginnovation #innovation #technology #teamwork #planningpoker, #SCRUMmethod #digitalfactory #deutschebank
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