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Win this kennel!
We have partnered with the Humane Society of Stillwater to raffle away one of our crates! The Humane Society of Stillwater is a nonprofit, adoption guaranteed animal shelter that serves homeless dogs and cats in the Stillwater, Oklahoma community. Each $5 ticket enters you to win a beautiful, handcrafted kennel from Kennel and Crate.
Kennel Details:
✔️Double Medium Kennel
Retail Value $2360
✔️Bluetick Hound distressed finish
Gray stained top and interior
✔️Dual Barn Doors with spring-pin locks
Chew Guards
✔️60” long x 30” deep x 30” high
Delivery in Oklahoma or shipping to Continental US will be provided at no charge to the winner. ✔️Winner has the option to apply $2360 retail value towards the purchase of a custom kennel $2360 or greater.
Click the link in our bio to enter! Winner will be selected June 1st.
Esperemos que todos os meses sejam meses de proteção, combate à toda e qualquer crueldade animal ! Bom dia a todos ! ❤️
#protetoradosanimais #amoraosanimais #protecaoeamor #anapaoladiniz #malabopetresort #malaboapd #criadoresderespeito #rhodesianridgeback #chihuahua #exoticos #craidoradecaesderaça #protetora #protetoranimal #protetoraecriadora #viralata #protecaoeamor #cuidados #amoraosanimais #allbreed #amoraosanimais #vivopormeusanimais #animalovers #animalétudodebom #forca #fe #determinação
Beautiful in any location
#dogcrate #dogkennels #dogsofinstagram #puppies #dogcratefurniture #dogcrates #dogtraining #customdogcrate #puppyfence #moderndoghouse #moderndogbed #puppyplaypen #puppypen #puppycrate #moderndogs #dogplaypen #dogpen #dogpens #dogenclosure #dogkennelfurniture #dogkennel #puppypalace #crate #transk #allbreed #puppy #petowners #howtotrainapuppy #kennelandcrate
Red is my least favorite color kennel
April Fools! ❤️
#dogcrate #reddecor #dogkennels #dogsofinstagram #puppies #dogcratefurniture #dogcrates #dogtraining #customdogcrate #puppyfence #moderndoghouse #moderndogbed #puppyplaypen #puppypen #puppycrate #moderndogs #dogplaypen #dogpen #dogpens #dogenclosure #dogkennelfurniture #dogkennel #puppypalace #crate #transk #allbreed #puppy #petowners #howtotrainapuppy #kennelandcrate