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#amberteethingnecklace #baby #amber #family #amberforbaby #amberforkid #chihlimbar #chihlimbarbaltic #copii #daybyday #dentitie #followme #insragod #romania #romaniamagica #silicon #ambers #lantisoaredebebelusi #babygirl #babyboy #babycare #babyproduct #love #bebelusi #familie #mami #somn #teiubesc

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #AMBERTEETHINGNECKLACE
#amberteethingnecklaces #amberteethingnecklace #amberteethingnecklaceforthewin #amberteethingnecklacegiveaway #amberteethingnecklacekuwait #amberteethingnecklacesrock #amberteethingnecklaceandbracelet #amberteethingnecklacesareforboystoo #amberteethingnecklaceph #amberteethingnecklacetoddler #amberteethingnecklacesareamazing #amberteethingnecklace_ #amberteethingnecklacegirl #amberteethingnecklacesdowork #amberteethingnecklacewithpearl #amberteethingnecklaceishelping #amberteethingnecklaceftw #amberteethingnecklacepoweredbythesun #amberteethingnecklacesareforboyst #amberteethingnecklaceaustralia #amberteethingnecklacecomestomorrow #amberteethingnecklaceneedstogethere #amberteethingnecklaceismommysfriend #amberteethingnecklacesactuallywork #amberteethingnecklacepeople #amberteethingnecklaceismagic #amberteethingnecklacesaretheshiznit #amberteethingnecklacesftw #amberteethingnecklacewith #amberteethingnecklacedubai #amberteethingnecklaceswholesale


Swipe left to see the ferocious smile within. Even with hard core teething going on (hence the double amber teething necklaces!), baby Faith gives the best smiles. . UPDATE: regarding the necklaces, we sell raw amber teething necklaces. Search Mama Natural amber on Amazon. . Happy weekend❣️ . #teethingbaby #amberteethingnecklace #5monthsold #naturalbaby #mamanatural #babylove


This morning I was talking about how thankful I am to be in each of your lives! How my Amber jewelry brings us together through a dream. I am so lucky to be tagged in your photos on a daily basis. Every night before bed I look at them and admire your beautiful families. I am thankful that I get to be a part of your adventures and bring sweet teething relief so that you may enjoy your adventures pain free. Today a photo by @_dearlittlelamb_ was featured on @theellenshow and her two gorgeous twin girls, Ila and Norah were wearing my Amber jewelry. My heart is full of gratefulness, joy and love! I might even be crying because this is just amazing beyond words. Please go to Ellen’s feed and check out the photo! Give it some love. Go to Ila and Norah’s page give them some love. Go to the other small shops in this page and give them some love! Spread love friends! It is with love we make this world a happy place! Love you all! ❤️ . { Lemon Amber + Rutilated Quartz ☀️ Amber teething jewelry has long been prized for its abilities to soothe even the crankiest of teething tots. When amber (a fossilized resin) is worn close to the skin it is warmed by body heat and releases therapeutic properties enjoyed by children and adults alike. Wear all the amber with love friends! ☀️ } . @_dearlittlelamb_


Happy Birthday to the most wonderful soul ever! This is the first birthday of yours we aren’t celebrating together. We love you so much Mama! #mymama #happybirthdaymama #noahsfirstflight #4monthsold #amberteethingnecklace


Thank You @amberku.id buat giftnya.. modelnya keren banget dan yang pasti khasiatnya... . ⬇️ ⬇️ Yuk moms yang lagi nyari kalung amber langsung Aja ke IG nya, banyak modelnya juga ya. . ⬇️ ⬇️ Jake lagi pake #kalungamber K25 beans muliticolor dari @amberku.id senang banget karena manfaatnya yaitu bisa meningkatkan imunitas tubuh dan mengurangi rasa nyeri kalo tumbuh gigi. Buat mommies gak perlu khawatir karena amber disini sudah disertifikasi jadi dijamin keasliannya ✨ • • amberasli #kalungamberasli #amberbaltic #amberoriginal #jualkalungbayi #amberbayi #kalungamberbayi  #kalungbayi #kalunganak #kalungambernak #jualkalungamber #ambermurah  #asesorisbayi #ambernecklace #amberteethingnecklace


We’ve been a hot teething mess, but with Baltic essentials honey raw unpolished amber teething necklace we have our happy bubbly baby back! Plus the soft comfy baby bling bows is her favorite accessory. Always comfortable and always darling! #baby #amberteethingnecklace #balticessentials #teething #babyblingbows #happybaby #crunchy #organic #allnatural


• BALTIC AMBER R A I N B O W • Baltic Amber is found naturally in a beautiful assortment of colors ranging from deep, rich cherry that almost looks black through beautiful, sunny, translucent lemon. Some colors are translucent where light reflects through them while others are milky! Interesting fact: the reason amber comes in varying shades is due to how many microscopic bubbles formed when the tree resin was hardening. The more bubbles the lighter the shade of amber! Inclusions such as flecks of bark, plants, bugs was also impact the color of the amber. . A common question I receive about the shades of Baltic Amber is whether the lighter tones are more effective or potent. I have had families report that shades such as lemon or butter have provided more support. My personal experience with my own children is that there is no difference in efficacy across the different colors of Baltic Amber available. I have found that it is different for each individual - How we all respond to Baltic Amber is differently! . Which color is your favorite? ☀️ . . . . #balticamber #amberteethingnecklace #teethingbaby #teethingtoddler #etsybaby #babylove #mindfulmothering #motherhoodrising #attachmentparenting #hippiemama #hippiemom #crunchyfamily #crunchymom #crunchymama #bohomom #bohomama #bohokids #hippiebaby #hippiekids #lilhippie #naturalparenting #greenbaby #naturalmomma #letthekids #babystyle #babiesofinstagram #toddlersofinstagram #babyproducts #tribedemama #naturalliving


It’s #sundayfunday get some happiness! . Tag someone who makes you happy! . . . #babiesofinstagram #happiness #happybaby #happybabies #frobabies #friendshipgoals #joy #blackbabies #blackboyjoy #amberteethingnecklace #lifestyleblogger #lifestylephotography #babiesofig #babieswithstyle #funny #smile #jump #naturalhairstyles #babymodel #commercialphotography #lamodels


Hai teman-teman, kemarin Rafa abis imunisasi loh.. nah pas bgt sehari sebelum imunisasi Rafa dpt kiriman gelang dan kalung dari @amberbuddy.indo langsung aja Rafa pake.. selesai Rafa imunisasi alhamdulillah Rafa gak ada sumeng2 apalagi demam, padahal sebelumnya kalo Rafa imunisasi ada sumeng2 atau demamnya.. . Eittss Rafa juga sekarang mau tumbuh gigi nih, gusinya udh bengkak2 dan udah ada yg nongol jg. Semenjak pake kalung dan gelang amber ini, Rafa gak ngerasain sakit apalagi demam untuk tumbuh gigi . Kalo teman-teman mau tumbuh gigi/setelah imunisasi mau gak demam lg mendingan pake kalung dan gelang dr @amberbuddy.indo dijamin 100% original selain itu jg kece kan kalo dipake . Untuk info lebih lanjut bisa langsung yuk mampir di ig nya @amberbuddy.indo . . . #amberbuddyindo #teethingnecklace #balticamber #balticambernecklace #teethingbaby #amberstone #amber #kalungamber #kalungbayi #tumbuhgigi #jualkalungamber #jualkalungbayi #kalungamberbayi #kalungamberbali #kalungamberindonesia #jualanbernecklacemurah #kalungbayi #kalungamber #aksesorisbayi #kadounik #perlengkapanbayi #teethingnecklace #perlengkapananak #fashionbayi#fashionanak #asi #hadiah #gigi #gelangamber #amberteethingnecklace


On Friday’s we wear Avocados Mamas, What are your favorite toys for babies at 4months old? Tell me your favorites! Our avocados are from @skiphop @skiphop.aus #skiphop#skiphoptoys #avocadotoy#avocado#mamablog#momblog#blogger#momblogger#okc#motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodthroughinstagram #mamaandbaby #amber #amberteethingnecklace #ambernecklace#babytoys#4monthsold #4months#radleyhaze

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