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LAST DAYS OF ANASTASIA.PART 2. * On the night of the deaths (17 July, 1918) the family was awakened and told to dress. They were told they were being moved to a new location to ensure their safety in anticipation of the violence that might ensue when the White Army reached Yekaterinburg.
Once dressed, the family and the small circle of servants who had remained with them were herded into a small room in the house's sub-basement and told to wait. Alexandra and Alexei sat in chairs provided by guards at the Empress's request. After several minutes, the guards entered the room, led by Yurovsky, who quickly informed the Tsar and his family that they were to be executed. The Tsar had time to say only "What?" and turn to his family before he was killed by several bullets to the chest.
The Tsarina and her daughter Olga tried to make the sign of the cross, but were killed in the initial volley of bullets fired by the executioners. The rest of the Imperial retinue were shot in short order, with the exception of Anna Demidova, Alexandra's maid.
#alexandrafeodorovna #tsarinaalexandra #alixofhesse #olganikolaevna #olgaromanov #grandduchessolga #olgaromanova #tatiananikolaevna #tatianaromanova #grandduchesstatiana #tatianaromanov #marianikolaevna #mariaromanov #mariaromanova #grandduchessmaria #anastasianikolaevna #anastasiaromanov #anastasiaromanova #grandduchessanastasia #romanovdynasty #romanovfamily #romanovs
THE PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE THAT THE IMPERIAL FAMILY SUFFERED AT THE IPATIEV HOUSE, IN EKATERINBURG: Although summer was approaching, all the windows of the Ipatiev house, in Ekaterinburg, were sealed and, on May 15, the outside world was completely whitish when the windowpanes were painted, ensuring that nothing could be seen inside or outside of house. No matter how sunny the day was, because there was a perpetual darkness within the house. As the temperature rose and the rooms was stay stuffy, the ex-tsar repeatedly asked the guards, who reported to Commander Avdeev, so that the windows were stay minimally open. Avdeev, however, denied Nicholas's request and sent him and his family to hell. On several occasions, the lookouts saw the head of one of the girls out side the window. The warnings for that the family didn’t do this were ignored and, finally, a sentry fired a shot when Anastasia's head appeared out the window. The bullet struck the top window and bounced off the wall of the room. The imperial family was suffocated with heat and made several complaints about the lack of air inside the Ipatiev house. Thus, a window was opened on June 23, but the guards were ordered to increase vigilance and everyone was forbidden to put their heads out the window or try to make any sign to someone in the street. #nicholasii #tsarinaalexandra #tsarevichalexei #grandduchessolga #grandduchessmaria #grandduchesstatiana #grandduchessanastasia #theromanovfamily #romanovfamily #imperialfamily #oldrussia #monarchy_russia #tsar #tsarina #anastasianikolaevna #ipatievhouse
Grand Duchesses of Russia: Olga Nikolaevna, Tatiana Nikolaevna, Maria Nikolaevna and Anastasia Nikolaevna.
Colorized by @myretrophoto
See other colorized photographs of royals from the past on #myretrocolor_royalty
#photocolorization #photocolorized #colorizedphoto #colorizedhistoricalphotos #history #historygram #colorizedhistory #otma #grandduchess #olganikolaevna #tatiananikolaevna #marianikolaevna #anastasianikolaevna #grandduchesses #grandduchessanastasia #grandduchesstatiana #romanovs #romanovfamily #russianroyalty #отма #история #колоризацияфото #royalfamily #royalties #russianempire #followbackalways #followforfollowback #grandduchessmaria
Have you ever wondered that Russian Court Dresses indicated the status of the woman who wore it. That's why there are many dresses with different colors. The Russia's first ladys, the Empress and Grand duchesses, wore very light colors, like yellow, pink and white. The emerald color was also a higher status color but for example the red was a lower status color.
I got the idea and the last picture from @costumesandcouture. Check out that amazing account
The second photo's coloring is from @angelsolga
The third and fourth are from @carpecolorization and the fifth is from @in_the_steps_of_romanov_family but the coloring is by Venelina Angelova. Check out these wonderful accounts too
#alexandrafeodorovna #olganikolaevna #tatiananikolaevna #marianikolaevna #anastasianikolaevna #otma #romanovfamily #romanovgirls #russiancourtdress #russiancourtdresses
Happy birthday Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, I love you with all my heart, you were a being blessed by God, I hope to have met you in the past life, you for me are an inspiration of life, your eyes convey a tranquility and a peace, I always go I dedicate this Instagram, I love you very much. ❤️ #marianikolaevna #anastasianikolaevna #olganikolaevna #tatiananikolaevna #alexeinikolaevich #mariaromanov #anastasiaromanov #olgaromanov #tatianaromanov #alexeiromanov #thelittlepair #thebigpair #littlepair #bigpair #beautiful #princess #princesses #grandduchess #grandduchessmaria #grandduchessanastasia #grandduchessolga #grandduchesstatiana #czarevich #czarevichalexei #otma #otmaa #otmasisters #romanov #romanovsisters #romanovfamily
#marianikolaevna #anastasianikolaevna #tatiananikolaevna #olganikolaevna #alexeinikolaevich #mariaromanov #anastasiaromanov #tatianaromanov #olgaromanov #alexeiromanov #princess #princesses #grandduchess #grandduchessmaria #grandduchessanastasia #grandduchesstatiana #grandduchessolga #czarevich #czarevichalexei #otmaa #otma #otmasisters #romanov #romanovsisters #romanovfamily #beautifulfamily
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