ancestorsaltar ancestors samhain witchcraft gratitude diadelosmuertos love spirituality altar family hoodoo iammyancestors witch ancestoraltar ayibobo pagan praisingmyancestors ancestorworship blessings candlemagick dayofthedead insympathy myancestorskeeper peace selflove ancestorsspeak ancestorveneration bruja candlereadings ancestorworship
#PaganRitual #HonoringAncestors #AncestorsAltar #SamhainAltar #SamhainisComing #BelovedDead #PaganPride #GreaterPittsburghPaganPrideDay #PittsburghPaganPrideDay #PaganPrideDay #SelenaFox #PaganLife #PaganWays #PaganWorld #Pagans #Paganism #NatureReligion #NatureSpirituality #PagansofInstagram#Samhain #WheeloftheYear #BlessedBe #Pagan #Druid #Wicca #Witch #Altar #Summerland #SpiritWorld #OtherWorld #Pagan
When I was a child my classmates nicknamed me “shadow” and “cannibal” (among other things) because my skin color was darker than theirs. They would often sing the song “Witch Doctor” to tease and ridicule me. To this date I think it is unfair to associate dark and the color black with negativity. I also embrace my ability to use plants and natural elements for wellbeing and to promote healing. Natural energy as it exists in the universe is neither good nor bad...It just “is”. Tbt: Dark reverence for the ancestors: grapes, dark chocolate, figs and wine seemed appropriate. #witchesofcolor #malewitchesofcolor #malewitch #queerwitch #ancestors #ancestorsaltar #diadelosmuertos #witcheskitchen #witchboy #witcheeboyee #witchdoctor #witcheeboyee #BoyWitch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram