Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #ANTIGYPSYISM

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Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #ANTIGYPSYISM
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Хештеги на тему #ANTIGYPSYISM

Você sabia disso? O termo "cigano" surgiu erroneamente por acreditarem que os primeiros "ciganos" surgiram do Egito. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ O rótulo "“gypped” significa " trapacear, enganar, defraudar". ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Essa palavra se espalhou pelo mundo e ocasiona uma visão estereotipada a nós pertencentes a Etnia Rroma/Cigana. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ No dicionário ao pesquisarmos pela palavra "cigano" encontramos a seguinte descrição: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "Viver ou comportar-se como cigano, levar vida errante, enganar alguém com astúcia, indivíduo boêmio, bom negociante quem tem muita astúcia para negociar, ciganear." ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Quando alguém se dirige a mim, me chamando de cigana sempre tento esclarecer que sou uma mulher pertencente a etnia Roma, sou uma Romani. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ A autodenomição "Rroma" é a palavra que todo "cigano" utiliza no mundo para se reconhecer etnicamente falando. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Objetivo desse post é levar conhecimento, ao se referir a nós seja bem vindo a utilizar a palavra Roma ou Romani. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Ao utilizá-la você estará contribuindo com a nossa cultura de forma positiva, nos ajudando a combater estereótipos que geram preconceitos e a discriminação social. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #romaninotgypsy #stopusinggypsy #gypsyisaslur #antigypsyism #educateyourself #roma #romapeople #romani #romanipeople #culturalawareness #concienciacultural #inclusion #activism #romayouth #rrom #romaweek2019 #br4roma #brasil #sinti #romanipen #dosta #opreroma #romanimavilalopes #cartomantemavilalopes #etniaromani

Хештеги на тему #ANTIGYPSYISM

Did you know that? Of course, we Romani can call each other Gypsies as a term of endearment but I cringe if I hear gadje (non-Roma) use it. This label was given to us by people who mistakenly believed us to be Egyptian. From there evolved the word “gypped” (which I hope you avoid also) which means “cheated, swindled or defrauded.” It is important that we have a say in the words that are used about us. When referring to us, you are welcome to label us as Romani or Roma.

Хештеги на тему #ANTIGYPSYISM

Autodenomição Rroma A maioria dos "ciganos" no mundo, se reconhece etnicamente através da palavra Rroma. Essa autodenomição está associada ao nome "dom" que por metaplasmo passou a ter o som de "rrom". Numerosos indivíduos da casta indiana "dalit" no norte da Índia são rotulados de "dom". Esse termo "rrom/dom" é muito antigo, a palavra "dom" aparece em registros do "sádhanamálá" textos primitivos de Yoga no século VIII. O Rei Heruka era regente do povo "dom" em um pequeno reinado na Índia, antigamente a Índia era composta de pequenos reinos. E em algumas ruínas desses reinados encontram o nome "domdigarh". ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Foi na dinastia Gupta que nossos antepassados perderam o poder e posição, perdendo assim seu estado étnico original e se tornaram uma casta indiana. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Antepassados do grupo "dom" pertenciam a população protoariana que habitava a Índia antes dos arianos realizarem a invasão em 1500 antes de Cristo. Nessa época, os "dom" não utilizavam esse termo para se autodenominar, nesse período o termo caracterizava tipo físico, cultura e crença. Quando os primeiros "dom/rrom" partiram da Índia, realizando o seu êxodo e em busca de sua Latcho Drom é uma pergunta em aberto. Alguns "ciganos" e estudiosos de nossa origem, defendem que nossos antepassados lutaram contra guerreiros árabes que conquistaram a Índia do oitavo para o décimo século. O pior desses invasores, foi "Muhammad Ghaznavi" que invadiu e saqueou Índia vinte uma vezes no século XI. E foi nesse período, que os primeiros "Rroma" saíram em êxodo. Alguns estudiosos afirmam, que nossos antepassados eram uma população misturada de "rajputs" uma casta alta de guerreiros e a casta "dom" e por conta disso se dá a nossa autodenomição atual "Rroma". ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ A palavra "Rroma" é o reconhecimento comum que temos como identidade básica e a nossa dicotomia com os não ciganos. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #romaninotgypsy #stopusinggypsy #gypsyisaslur #antigypsyism #educateyourself #roma #romapeople #romani #romanipeople #culturalawareness #concienciacultural #inclusion #activism #romayouth #rrom #romaweek2019 #br4roma #brasil #sinti #romanipen #dosta #opreroma #romanimavilalopes #cartomantemavilalopes #etniaromani

Хештеги на тему #ANTIGYPSYISM

Ромы-ЛГБТИК. Ромы- представители ЛГБТИК бросают вызов стереотипному, одномерному и общепринятому представлению о рома. Поэтому их не принимает ни сообщество рома, ни сообщество ЛГБТИК. С одной стороны, в своей семье они часто встречают гомо- и трансфобные реакции. Ситуация особенно сложна для лесбиянок-ромни из-за сексизма в среде рома (отсутствие свободы передвижения, обязательства перед семьей, отсутствие образования) и принудительных браков (жертвами этого также становятся геи). С другой стороны, семья/сообщество часто являются источником материальных средств и обеспечивают защиту от антицыганизма. Антицыганизм отражается и на (не)возможности проявлять сексуальность/гендерную идентичность для негетеросексуальных ромов. В сообществах ЛГБТИК ромы визуально выделяются. И они могут сталкиваться с расовой дискриминацией из-за своей этнической принадлежности. Они часто ассоциируются с (бес)честным поведением и не включаются в комьюнити как не совершившие каминг-аут. Не учитывается, что возможность совершить каминг-аут в большей степени — привилегия белых; и, не всегда возможна. Зачастую, оба вида насилия - и расистское, и гомофобное идут рука об руку в жизни ЛГБТИ-ромов. #romani #antigypsyism #romanipeople a #racialdiscrimination #расоваядискриминация #lgbti #lgbtiq #lgbtiqroma #homophobia #transgender #transphobia #гомофобия #трансгендер #лгбт

Хештеги на тему #ANTIGYPSYISM

LGBTIQ Roma chalange the stereotypical, one dimensional and homogenising representation of Roma. Therefore, they are often not accepted nor in Roma community, nor in LGBTIQ community. On the one hand, in their family or community they often meet homo/transphobic response. The situation is especiialy difficult for Romani lesbian due to misogynistic dynamic in communities (no freedom to move, obligation to looking for a family, lack of education) and forced marriages (gays are victims of it as well). On the other hand, family/ community are often an important source of material dependency and provide a protection from antigypsism. Antygipsism has impact on (in)ability to enact sexuality/gender idenity of non-heterosexual Roma. In the LGBTIQ communities, Roma are ethnically highly visiblised. They faced racial discrimination and can be stigmatized due to their ethnicity. What is more, they are often associated with (dis)honesty and not belonging to the community because they did not come out from the closet. It is forgotten, that coming out is rather a notion of white-priviliged; it is not helpfully all the time. Sometimes, both racist and homophobic abuse goes hand in hand in LGBTIQ Roma lived expierience. (‘When you are a minority within a minority’ by S. Kulaeva; a lecture ‘Roma, Ethnicity and Queer Intersectionalities’ by Dr. Lucie Fremlova) #romani #antigypsyism #romanipeople #rrom #roma #intersectionality #structuraldiscrimination #endracism #рома #opreroma #racialdiscrimination #расоваядискриминация #lgbti #lgbtiq #lgbtiqroma #homophobia #transgender #transphobia

Хештеги на тему #ANTIGYPSYISM

EDIT: It’s been brought to my attention that a lot of people may not even know g***y is a racial slur directed at the Roma/ Romani people of Europe. Check out the #antigypsyism tag for some quick facts on the discrimination they face. Then do your own research. It runs deep, and sadly they still face extreme hardships because of their race. ... Hey @the_happy_planner It’s uh.... not cool to use racial slurs in your planners. Debated whether I should censor it or not but they probably won’t even know it’s a slur word. ... Half of ya’ll white women who always used to call yourself “a g**** at heart” because you owned a pair of feathered earrings are the ones going on about “your tribe” all over the place now. No respect for when y’all’s ancestors (AND HALF MINE TOO) thought “tribalism” was savagery and committed genocide or whatever . ... That’s a different argument though. My point is, g***y is a racial slur, y’all need to educate yourselves, and certainly a GIGANTIC corporation like @the_happy_planner shouldn’t be using a racial slur as part of a decorative dashboard. ... @errcinsta @romanirights do you make anything of this?

Хештеги на тему #ANTIGYPSYISM

Hi, I’m Nadja, a proud Romani woman, a BA in Social Science, and working for the RCC. 9 of 10 young Romani women across the region are neither in education, qualification training nor employment! “WE” need to change that! More women in the labour market! Empower Romani Women! #PoweredbyRCC #WE #workingtogether #empowerwomen #cooperation #WomensHistoryMonth #Womensday #Romaintegration #WesternBalkans #EURomaWeek2019 #RomaWeek2019 #EU4Roma #antigypsyism #equality #inclusion

Хештеги на тему #ANTIGYPSYISM

[EN below] Охват ромских детей образованием на всех его этапах ниже, чем не ромских. Кроме того, школьная посещаемость ромов критически снижается с переходом в старшие классы. Некоторые дети перестают ходить в школу из-за того, что рано женятся и предаются заботам старших, кого-то оставляют дома родители, чтобы те помогали им в домашней работе, уходе за младшими детьми. Наиболее проблематичными с точки зрения охвата и посещаемости школ, по-видимому, являются сельские районы, где рома живут компактно и являются менее обеспеченными, по сравнению с городскими жителями. Education at all stages of Roma children is lower than that of non-Roma children. In addition, school attendance of Roma is critically reduced with the transition to high school. Some children stop going to school due to the fact that they get married early and take care of their elders; parents leave someone to help them with homework and care for their younger children. The most problematic from the point of view of school enrollment and attendance seems to be in rural areas, where Roma live compactly and are less well-to-do than urban residents. #romani #antigypsyism #romanipeople #romanipupils #rrom #roma #intersectionality #structuraldiscrimination #endracism #рома #ученники #цыгане #opreroma #apartheid #racialdiscrimination #racialdiscriminationday #расоваядискриминация #апартеид #education #discriminationineducation #children #romanichildren

Хештеги на тему #ANTIGYPSYISM

#romalivesmatter #romanilivesmatter #antiziganism #antigypsyism #stophate ❤️

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