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Plantação de arroz integrado com peixes aumenta produção.
Na Indonésia, agricultores introduziram peixes a seu cultivo de arroz em solo alagado. As fezes dos peixes atuam como fertilizantes e os próprios peixes eliminam pragas como: grilos, lagartas, além de melhorar a oxigenação da água. A produção do grão aumenta mais de 10% com a técnica.
Fonte: (Reprodução/CorreiodoEstadão)
#sorteio #venhaparticipar #fotooficial #oficial #projeto #aquicultura #técnica #bahia #pernambuco #ceará #acre #brasil #peixe #cultivo #pescado #aquicultura #tilápia #camarão #engenhariadepesca #piscicultura #cacinocultura #tanques #acuicultura #cultivation #aquaculture
Sure signs of spring: half of our staff are at walleye spawn camp, the other half are at home base preparing to move the trout brood stock outside. Here, Chad's giving the top pond a wash to get ready for our big fish.
We love spring.
#TheBestSeason #FishHatchery #Saskatchewan #Trout #Walleye #TourSeason #StockingSeason #Fisheries #Aquaculture #Fishing #Angling
Malacocultura - Tradicional e popularmente conhecido tipo de criação de Moluscos no
Brasil, praticado preferencialmente em áreas litorâneas naturalmente protegidas (enseadas e
baías). No Brasil divide-se em quatro ramos: ostreicultura, pectinicultura, mitilicultura e
#engenhariadepesca #engpesca #engpescaufc #engenharia #UFC #fortaleza #ceara #apescaéforte #avante #br #engineer #cultivo #aquaculture #carcinicultura #malacocultura #molusco #ostras
The UF/IFAS Indian River Research and Education Center and Rising Tide Conservation and are thrilled to announce the first successful aquaculture of the banded butterflyfish, Chaetodon striatus!
We are over the moon about this accomplishment, and we hope that you are as excited as us! We can’t tell you how grateful we are for your support!
Read more about the success in our blog, available through the link in our bio!
#risingtideconservation #aquaculture #ornamentalaquaculture #marineconservation #saltwaterfish #tropicalfish #ornamentalfish #aquarium #marineaquarium #tank #reeftank #fishtank #saltwatertank #sustainability #research #science #UFIFASIRREC #irrec #butterflyfish #bandedbutterflyfish #chaetodon #chartodonstriatus
We're THRILLED about this piece from @clarkbar at @nytimes! Melissa has done a fantastic job of capturing our industry's potential to do real good for Maine’s coastal economy and ocean health. Bonus: she features our our delicious never dried, never dyed kelp in three different @nytcooking recipes! We're going to be talking about this one for a while, you guys ... #kelptheearth