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Lembram daquela pomadinha que mostrei pra vcs a um tempinho, que deixo na cozinha, na bolsa... .
#Aquaphor - Pomada Reparadora @eucerinbrasil .
Super hidratante, multifuncional e serve pra qualquer área extremamente ressecada ou que precisa de cuidados mais potentes do que um simples creme hidratante.
Este produto já era vendido em outros países (muitas de vcs já devem ter usado pois é super famoso), mas só agora chegou por aqui.
Este é um produtinho coringa, daqueles multiuso, que hidratam profundamente. .
Voltado para reparar a pele seca ou ressecada, e tem um poder regenerador e reparador da pele.
Sua fórmula não tem água, só glicerina, parafina, lanolina e outros ingredientes que ajudam a formar uma barreira na pele, o que facilita a regeneração das células.
♀️♀️Como eu mais gosto de usar este produto:
nas #cutículas - minha forma de uso preferida! Mantém a hidratação e não deixa esbranquiçada de desidratação;
#Lábios e #buço - perfeito como primer de lábios, e aproveito e passo no buço q é uma das áreas mais ressecadas do meu rosto, juntamente com o #BigodeChinês - sim, aquele ponto que mais "quebra” minha make... um pouquinho já deixa super preparado pra make.
#ÁreaDosOlhos - uso como uma máscara noturna, como último passo depois de toda #skincare. Super aprovado pra isso
#cotovelos e
#calcanhares - aplico antes de dormir, e essas áreas acordam super hidratadas.
É um produto bem denso, parece uma pomada, q repara intensamente as áreas ressecadas.
Já mostrei pra vcs que deixo um tubinho desse na cozinha (acabei de lavar uma louça, já corro pra ele) e o outro eu deixo na minha bolsa pra usar durante o dia.
Dura muuuuito!!! Por ser um produto bem denso, um pouquinho já é suficiente.
Pode ser usado tb para:
Acalmar a pele irritada pelo sol ou pelo frio extremo; Proteger e previnir assaduras (sabe aquele atrito das pernas?)
Pode ser utilizada após procedimentos dermatológicos;
Criar uma barreira protetora que mantém a umidade da pele.
Vendido em farmácias nesta caixinha com duas unidades. Preço médio 39,00.
#eucerin #eucerinbrasil
(INGREDIENTES nos comentários)
Aquaphor Healing Ointment and Aquaphor Ointment Body Spray @AquaphorUS are the perfect one-two punch for lasting relief to my dry skin. Running in the cold Chicago winter really dries out my skin. The ointment and spray keep my skin happy all season long. Find yours at CVS today! #Aquaphor #AquaphorLove #ad
How to achieve my go-to lip color #makeuptutorial (full #glam video coming soon!) • my lip color is the number one question I get asked when it comes to my #makeup — & now you can achieve the exact lip color in a few simple steps: •Make sure to line your lips with the #hudabeauty lip liner in “trophy wife” at least twice
• Fade the lipliner to the center of your lips (where your mouth is) with the same lip liner in order to give it an ombré effect •Apply the #maccosmetics lipstick in “kinda sexy” to the center of your lips avoiding the outside line of the lips
• Top it off with #aquaphor lip repair to give it a gloss right over your lipstick — this product is better than clear gloss because it will keeps your lips hydrated
#shophudabeauty #makeupvideos #makeupideas
#ad My skin gets super dry in the winter, so I always use Aquaphor Healing Ointment on my lips, hands, and feet! @Aquaphorus protects skin from drying effects of wind and cold weather! Beauty tip It’s a great product for photoshoots! Use it for some extra glow on your arms, legs and even cheekbones! Check it out at one of these stores: Amazon, ULTA, CVS, Walgreens, Target or Walmart! #AquaphorLove #aquaphor
This 70 year old woman with hanging neck and cheeks underwent Neck & Face lift using the #auralyft Deep Plane Technique as well as neck liposuction and CO2 laser skin resurfacing. The rapid recovery with hidden incision and hairline left intact made this one
Contact the office to see us as a patient. Info down below and in our bio
☎️ 310 288-0641
Affiliated with @beverlyhillshairgroup & @auraspahealingcenter
#auralyft #beverlyhillscenter #drbentalei #co2 #laserco2 #profoundrf #lift #lyft #amazingbeforeandafter #beverlyhillsplasticsurgeon #skincaretips #healingointment #aquaphor #elastin #eltamd #skinceuticals #juvederm #restylane #fillers #postopsupplies #bbl #liplift #plastic #procedure
But first, skincare ♀️
Thought I would share my evening winter routine ft my favorite products to keep my skin glowing and freshhhh *so fresh and so clean, clean * I take my skin care routine v seriously ☝
▫️ @strivectin S.T.A.R.Light Retinol Night Oil to correct texture & lines
▫️ #strivectin Intensive Eye Concentrate for those eye bags, it’s UHmazing
▫️ #freshbeauty soy cleanser
▫️ #garnier micellar cleansing water (for extra residue on skin)
▫️ @freshbeauty rose toner
▫️ @drunkelephant whipped cream
▫️ @glowrecipe avocado melt sleeping mask
▫️ #aquaphor lip balm
#ad #amandaensing #skincare #skincareroutine #beauty #outsmartit
How to achieve my fave go-to “Rose” lip color #makeuptutorial • TAG someone who would love this & COMMENT what else you want to see below!
Now you can achieve this exact lip color in just a few steps:
•Use your beauty blender that you used for your foundation/concealer to buff out your lips (use the product already on there — don’t need to add more) ***this is an optional step — I did this since I removed the previous red lip to recreate •Make sure to line your lips with the #maccosmetics lip liner in “soar” at least 2-3 times
• Fade the lipliner to the center of your lips (where your mouth is) with the same lip liner in order to give it an ombré effect
•Grab the second lip liner in color “cherry” and line the outside line of your lip at least 2-3 times, & shade in with the same ombré technique but only half way — do not go to opening of the mouth like we did with the first lip liner
•Apply the #macmakeup lipstick in “kinda sexy” to the center of your lips avoiding the outside line of the lips
• Top it off with #aquaphor lip repair to give it a gloss right over your lipstick — this product is better than clear gloss because it will keeps your lips hydrated
#makeupvideos #makeupideas #makeup
Song: Anton Ishutin — Show Me
Помните, не так давно, я прям советовала вам в сторис потрясающее средство для губ. Мне до сих пор поступает масса вопросов, поэтому я решила подробнее рассказать и оставить пост в ленте. Сохраняйте и не теряйте, чтоб мне не пришлось повторяться ☝️ #iherb .
Восстанавливающее средство для губ МГНОВЕННОГО действия AQUAPHOR lip repair. Именно мгновенного. С первого применения отличный результат.
Это наш с сыном тюбик-выручалочка, который всегда и везде со мной. Потрескавшиеся и обветренные губки, а у детей они часто трескаются до ран. Ни одна гигиеническая помада не стоит с ним рядом. Серьезно. Я давно их не покупаю и слава богу (почитайте состав помад и поймёте, а ещё и при том, что дети их слизывают).
В чем же секрет быстрого действия?
Только в составе. Бальзам мягчайший и густой консистенции. На губки ложится идеально. На ранках не щиплет и не липнет. В составе нет парабенов и отдушек, только витамины С, Е, провитамин В5, масло Ши и ромашка.
Это действительно идеальное средство. При таком минимальном размере, используется очень экономично, т.к достаточно небольшой горошинки на всю поверхность губ.
Я ещё его использую просто для разглаживания губ под помаду или блеск, превосходно. Не сушит ничуть.
Больше хвалить не буду, просто рекомендую от души. Для нас этот бальзам номер 1 во всех отношениях
Код для 10% скидки WDS815 на #iherb независимо от суммы на 1 заказ (на повторные сохраняется 5%)