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نظر هر کسی محترم است؟ اصلاً و ابداً
مترجم/علی کوچکی هر سال میکوشم دستکم یک بار، دو چیز را روی دانشجویانم امتحان کنم. نخست آنکه آنان را «فیلسوف!» خطاب میکنم؛ تعبیری که چندان جدی نیست، اما امیدوارم باعث تشویق آنان به فراگیری فعال شود.
دوم، این بحث را پیش میکشم: «مطمئناً این عبارت را شنیدهاید که ’هرکسی حق دارد نظری داشته باشد و اظهارش کند‘. شاید حتی خودتان نیز این تعبیر را به کار برده باشید و چه بسا برای جلوگیری از یک استدلال یا در بنبست قرار دادن کسی، این کار را کرده باشید. خب، به محض اینکه به این کلاس وارد میشوید، دیگر آن حق را ندارید. شما حق ندارید نظر خودتان را داشته باشید. فقط حق چیزی را دارید که بتوانید استدلالی بر آن بیاورید.» شاید کمی تند باشد؛ اما آموزگاران فلسفه این را به دانشجویانمان بدهکارند که به آنها بیاموزند چگونه استدلال کنند و چگونه از استدلالشان دفاع کنند؛ و وقتی به باوری دفاعناپذیر میرسند، آن را تشخیص دهند.
مشکل تعبیر «من حق دارم نظر خودم را داشته باشم» این است که این عبارت در غالب موارد، برای محافظت از باورهایی است که باید کنارشان بگذاریم. این عبارت، صورتی کوتاهشده از این گزاره است که «من میتوانم هر چه دلم بخواهد، بگویم و یا هر طور دلم بخواهد، بیاندیشم»؛ و با تعمیم این معنا، ادامۀ استدلال علیه گوینده تا حدی بیاحترامی خواهد بود. به نظر من، این نگرش به برابری کاذب میان متخصصان و غیرمتخصصان منجر میشود و این یکی از ویژگیهای زیانبار گفتمان عمومی ماست که در حال گسترش است... جامعهشناسی
منبع:کانال جامعه شناسی
#Sufi #SoofiePmbSpiritualGuides #Spiritual Guides #ShamsTabrez The 'Ulamā and Sufis who combine academic and spiritual attainments has been more effective than the work of those whose sole focus was academic. An illustrious example in this connection is that of the renowned spiritual leader and missionary of Islam, his eminence Muḥammad 'Abdul 'Alīm Siddīqi al-Qādirī ر and his successor Mawlana Muhammad Fazl-ur-Rahmān Ansāri ر . The current system of theological education being mostly on Fiqh (law), our 'Ulamā are generally capable only of legalistic guidance in respect of the daily personal life of a Muslim. it is necessary for the 'Ulamā to employ ḥikmah, i.e., methodical and consequential approach in the domain of Action, and for this purpose deep spiritual and psychological knowledge is necessary - knowledge formulated and cultivated by the classical Ṣufīs of Islam. The work of my great grandfather Hazrath Soofie Saheb ر speaks for itself. Show me a classical Sufi master in this era that built 12 fully functioning Khanqahs in 12 years and have become Spiritual and academic hubs in 120+ years? The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did not dispute. Raghib Isfahāni, (d 502 AH) an eleventh-century Muslim scholar of Qur'anic exegesis and Arabic says #argumentation is highly deplorable (makrūh) for #ulama and for other than them it is impermissible. If you are Ālim there is a doubt in argumentation because of fear that you are doing it for yourself. Imam Shāfi ر said that he never did once debate with another scholar except that he prayed to Allah to make the truth manifest on his opponents tongue, so that he could submit to it. In other words the ego had no portion he only wanted the truth. #Think
Man Has NO Chill
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UPDATESuch amazing news this evening from my ⭐️VERY FIRST Communication All-Star⭐️ and graduate of the “Intro to Public Speaking” Workshop series AND ⭐️⭐️Advanced Course, “Communication and Leadership.”⭐️⭐️
In a prior post, Kylee is featured here, developing, editing and fine-tuning her speech, a speech created to empower young women, challenging gender inequity and societal/culturally imposed ideological barriers which delimit one’s full potential. .
In consideration of Kylee’s passionate pursuance of this topic, I was blessed to connect her with one of Hawaii’s most powerful and influential women- the highest ranking officer in the U.S. Pacific Command, whom she interviewed. This officer’s impactful and inspiring narrative allowed Kylee to further advance her argument and credibility as a rhetor, coupled with the persuasive and cogent reasoning/execution demonstrated through her writing ability. Last week Kylee won her preliminary speech round, presenting to the teachers and students of the 7th and 8th grade at her school! She now moves forward into the speech contest semi-finals!! .
Way to go, Kylee!!! I’m so proud of you!! You are going to knock it out of the ball park this Tuesday! .
#speechwriting #success #argumentation #leadershipandcommunication #communicationskills #speechfestival #impact #inspire #motivate #keikispeechclub #guidance #mentorship #results #rhetoric #communicationstudies #celebratingsuccess #perserverance #genderequality #speech #speechcontest #dedication #hardwork #diligence #training #education
Tag that person who is great in arguments!!
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Last week we held our first #PhilosophyWorkshop with #children, which was a great moment to share thoughts, express doubts on beauty, ugliness, art and... laugh together ! • Many thanks to @paulavagna and @inesdebordas for making it possible • #philosophy #PhilosophyForChildren #P4C #PhilosophyAndArt #reasoning #argumentation #CriticalThinking #PhilosophyEducation #education #FoodForThoughtProject.