arrtinc artclasssg artinsg artsg artstudiosg explorethroughart kidsactivities learnwithart sgactivities sgart sgartclasses sgchildren sgclass sgcraft sgenrichment sgkids sgkidsevent sgmothers sgparent sgparents sgstudio artfun artjammingsg funwithart preschooler prehistoric dinosaur dinosaurfun makingdinosaurs paleontologist explorethroughart
Tracing a picture on a transparency requires eye-hand coordination skills for the Mini Magentas(3yo-5yo). Eye hand coordination skills is the control of eye movement and hand movement coordinations. This is one of the most important parts of the learning process in children.
Call us for more details on our classes at 8808 3569! .
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These dinos have taken over the studio! A child is celebrated for his uniqueness and willingness to learn experience and enjoy! Reach us at 8808 3569 for more info on our classes! .
#arrtinc #artsg #sgart #sgparents #sgmothers #sgchildren #artinsg #artclasssg #artstudiosg #sgenrichment #artfun #sgparent #sgkids #sgkidsevent #sgactivities #kidsactivities #sgcraft #funwithart #learnwithart #explorethroughart #sgclass #artjammingsg #sgstudio #sgartclasses #dinosaurfun #prehistoric #preschooler #dinosaur #makingdinosaurs #paleontologist
Children at these age might have never seen a pushcart selling food but they have managed to draw with so much of accuracy and details! Lovely work by elva her ice kachang pushcart.
#arrtinc #artsg #sgart #sgparents #sgmothers #sgchildren #artinsg #artclasssg #artstudiosg #sgenrichment #artfun #sgparent #sgkids #sgkidsevent #sgactivities #kidsactivities #sgcraft #funwithart #learnwithart #explorethroughart #sgclass #artjammingsg #sgstudio #sgartclasses #penang #peranakan #rickshawfoodstalls #rickshaw #watercolour #penangart
Have you been to Penang?
We brought our students to Penang to explore its art, culture and tradition for the month of April. This painting is a familiar sight in the streets of Penang. If you’ve been to Penang, you’d know how the rickshaw stalls looks like.
Watercolour painting done by Osher. Call us for a date on our trial class at only $38. Reach us at 88083569 for more details on our classes. .
#arrtinc #artsg #sgart #sgparents #sgmothers #sgchildren #artinsg #artclasssg #artstudiosg #sgenrichment #artfun #sgparent #sgkids #sgkidsevent #sgactivities #kidsactivities #sgcraft #funwithart #learnwithart #explorethroughart #sgclass #artjammingsg #sgstudio #sgartclasses #penang #peranakan #rickshawfoodstalls #rickshaw #watercolour #penangart
Batik batik batik. Here at you'll learn how to make batik the traditional way with hot wax and tjanting. Our classes are small which allows us to spend mkre one on one time with each child! Call us at 8808 3569 for more info on our class timings .
#arrtinc #artsg #sgart #sgparents #sgmothers #sgchildren #artinsg #artclasssg #artstudiosg #sgenrichment #artfun #sgparent #sgkids #sgkidsevent #sgactivities #kidsactivities #sgcraft #funwithart #learnwithart #explorethroughart #sgclass #artjammingsg #sgstudio #sgartclasses #penang #peranakan #batik #sgbatik #batikart #penangart
All smiles! Call us at 8808 3569 for more info on our class timings .
#arrtinc #artsg #sgart #sgparents #sgmothers #sgchildren #artinsg #artclasssg #artstudiosg #sgenrichment #artfun #sgparent #sgkids #sgkidsevent #sgactivities #kidsactivities #sgcraft #funwithart #learnwithart #explorethroughart #sgclass #artjammingsg #sgstudio #sgartclasses #penang #peranakan #batik #sgbatik #batikart #penangart
Another two cute buddies with their glass painting Peranakan Street food stall. Come join us for a trial session at $38 only and receive a full experience on how our lessons goes, parents debrief and the best part is, you get to bring your artwork home! Call us now at 88083569 for more details.
#arrtinc #artsg #sgart #sgparents #sgmothers #sgchildren #artinsg #artclasssg #artstudiosg #sgenrichment #artfun #sgparent #sgkids #sgkidsevent #sgactivities #kidsactivities #sgcraft #funwithart #learnwithart #explorethroughart #sgclass #artjammingsg #sgstudio #sgartclasses #penang #peranakan #rickshawfoodstalls #rickshaw #watercolour #penangart
These are our younger batch of students also known as the "mini magentas" they drew pushcart food stalls and painted them in glass paint meet larissa, xyreus and amanda! Reach us at 8808 3569 for more info. .
#arrtinc #artsg #sgart #sgparents #sgmothers #sgchildren #artinsg #artclasssg #artstudiosg #sgenrichment #artfun #sgparent #sgkids #sgkidsevent #sgactivities #kidsactivities #sgcraft #funwithart #learnwithart #explorethroughart #sgclass #artjammingsg #sgstudio #sgartclasses #penang #peranakan #rickshawfoodstalls #rickshaw #watercolour #penangart
Dinosaur Invasions In Bangkit. We took our dinos out for a outdoor photoshoot! .
#arrtinc #artsg #sgart #sgparents #sgmothers #sgchildren #artinsg #artclasssg #artstudiosg #sgenrichment #artfun #sgparent #sgkids #sgkidsevent #sgactivities #kidsactivities #sgcraft #funwithart #learnwithart #explorethroughart #sgclass #artjammingsg #sgstudio #sgartclasses #dinosaurfun #prehistoric #preschooler #dinosaur #makingdinosaurs #paleontologist