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Vorgehensweise: Zink in Schwefelsäure geben, wodurch naszierender (atomarer, stark reduktiver) Wasserstoff entsteht. Die vermeidlich arsenhaltige Substanz ebenfalls dazugeben und den aus einem Glasrohr austretenden Wasserstoff entzünden. Die Flamme auf z.B. eine Keramikoberfläche halten. Scheidet sich ein schwarzer Stoff ab, konnte Arsen nachgewiesen werden. Der Nachweis funktioniert auch mit Antimonverbindungen. Allerdings: Auf keinen Fall nachmachen, nur in einem geeigneten Laboratorium mit geschultem Personal. Arsenverbindungen sind hochgiftig und tödlich. ☠️ .
#chemie #arsen #mord #gift #arsenik #krimi #forsensik #toxikologie #labor
Le gros live exclusif de #Arsenik @monsieurbors x @calboarsenik
#QuelquesGouttesSuffisent dans le #CouvreFeu sur @oklmradio est maintenant dispo sur @oklm :
Youtube OKLMOfficial
Application @OKLM @jackynegmarrons @djphaxx_92 @djlordissa Cc @beatsbydre
#TentendsPasOuKoi #ns7 #numark #Interview #Freestyle #CouvreFeuCouvrezvous #live #EnDirectDuMirador #OklmRadio #PourNousParNous #CouvreFeu #Numero1SurLeRap #RapFrancais #ReggaeFrançais
#Repost @couvrefeuofficial
. . .
Le gros live exclusif de #Arsenik @monsieurbors x @calboarsenik
#QuelquesGouttesSuffisent dans le #CouvreFeu sur @oklmradio est maintenant dispo sur @oklm :
Youtube OKLMOfficial
Application @OKLM @jackynegmarrons @djphaxx_92 @djlordissa Cc @beatsbydre
#TentendsPasOuKoi #ns7 #numark #Interview #Freestyle #CouvreFeuCouvrezvous #live #EnDirectDuMirador #OklmRadio #PourNousParNous #CouvreFeu #Numero1SurLeRap #RapFrancais #ReggaeFrançais
Why do we post vulnerable or exposing images of ourselves ?
To most, this is just a pic of a chick in a bikini, looking for likes and validation. To me, this image stands for much more than that.
I was absolutely thrilled when I received a full page feature in @inside_fitness this month shot by @arsenikstudios. .
Throughout my fitness journey, my goal was always to inspire, motivate and really enjoy the experience of pushing my body to its limits.
Being recognized in Canada’s Top fitness magazine is a humbling and proud moment for me.
There’s something incredibly empowering when you manage to push your mind and body to the point of exhaustion but then decide to keep going and pushing past that. It builds mental strength and releases feel good chemicals that become addicting. Maybe it’s sick in a way, or twisted, that some of us enjoy driving ourselves to the point of pain, but for me it’s therapeutic and it makes me feel alive.
To me, this image stands for mental and physical strength, conditioning, goal setting, positive body image, self love, perseverance and health.
Thank you @inside_fitness for all you do!