Painting transformer - Window. Thoughts about life...
Life is like a journey at the huge palace with many many corridors and rooms and no map ))! . In any journey you meet different situations for your progress. I named them - doors. It’s a space with many doors inside, you know where you need to be but very often you don’t know how to get there and which door will help you to do it.
Some doors are big, some doors are small but they important to open as well. One opened door will get you to a different room/space and then you meet a new one. Some doors are easy to open, some needs a key . People you meet on the way can be your keys and then you go together for sometime, long or short period nobody knows but any amount of time is amazing. You can be a key for someone as well. As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said: Better to be useful then useless))! Be the key for as many people as you can))! Help people who have the mission in life! Or help someone to find the mission.
Сегодняшний день - просто !
Студия художественного металла IRON MASTER @kovka116 пригласила к себе в гости. Кузница у Ершовых - потомственная. Какое это красивое ремесло! Дали подержать настоящий молот, постучать по наковальне, увидеть как рассыпаются искры от удара, почувствовать жар печи... Эмоции - через край! А ещё и внуки со мной были. Теперь на память у них остались расплющенные молотом монетки. И это ещё не всё. Про главную интригу расскажу через пару дней. Антон и Юлечка @ershovayu , Галина @gala_0508 ! Благодарю за такой подарок!
#моймирдизайна #ArtAbramova #айронмастер #ковкаказань #художественнаяковкаказань #дизайнерыказани
Ах! Какой фееричный вечер!
Мы слушали ЕЛЕНУ ТЕПЛИЦКУЮ @teplitskaya_design и общались с ней.
Этот праздник устроил дизайнерам Казани салон Дверей Волховец @volhovecdoors
Отдельное спасибо нашему бессменному организатору Дине Шайдуллиной @dinashaidullina и директору салона Алёне Шмелёвой @alenashmeleva
А как замечательно пообщаться с коллегами на самые разные темы! Ведь обычно у нас очень напряжённая работа. Здорово увидеть своих бывших студентов, которые реализуются в нашей прекрасной профессии.
И двери в салоне, кстати, замечательные!
#дизайнерыказани #моймирдизайна #еленатеплицкая #волховецказань #ArtAbramova
The Birth Of A Painting.
I was able to stalk myself and that inner process called ‘inspiration,’ which I would rather call ‘birth.’ The Goddess has given birth to all the living beings on Earth, and it was her breathing out. I am currently working on a triptych named “The Goddess Exhales". Who is this Goddess? It’s Me. I began modestly, meant to just note down how images, paintings, and everything that’s called art come to life. But on the way it turned out to be something bigger than I, or an artist, in terms of an artistic persona. It’s the Goddess breathing the whole world out of her womb. That is the way paintings are born. Through Exhale.
Stage 1.
First off, I inhale. It takes a while. Quite a while. Or maybe, it only seems so. But the time stops, stands still like water in a bunged up sink.
This is the most painful period. You are empty. You can bear it for some time, watch yourself, and even enjoy this state. But then there comes this overstraining feeling. It’s like the beginning of the menses. You pity the entire world, and there’s no strength to save it. I lie down for an eternity and can’t move a finger. Minutes pass, but in my mind they stretch into years. I find myself overgrown with thickets of ivy and creepers. I feel like stock-still stone sculpture with soul still beating inside. And this soul is watching out of its stone frame, and there’s no strength to come out.
Stage 2: Next.
The stone cracks. Hope! You could see life through the cracks. It pulsates softly and cautiously, as if afraid to scare itself. And now life is gaining strength and momentum. It breaks free.
Space-wise, I walk around my studio, coming in, sometimes, to move something from place to place, look at my tubes of paint, wash something, or just sit in silence. It can go on for days.
In my dreams and reality, I have thoughts and reveries of a full palette and canvas opening up in front of me with all its virgin allure. I am Shiva with his marvelous erected lingam. These dreams are similar to boys’ wet dreams during puberty. They are powerful and colorful. In the morning, I find myself at the object of my desire — at the white canvas in my studio. What am I doing
Acrylic, gold leaf, and gold, silver, and bronze ink on canvas
48x40" (122x101 cm), 2017 "Be the rising Moon in my dark nights I am thirsty for your light..." — Rumi
It was a real pleasure to creat this work. I was enjoying each minute even technically it was very difficult. I must be very focus and very concentrating because I cannot change or repaint anything. Specially my detailed drawings, if I do mistake and I need to paint it over then background will be darker then whole painting background. So every drawings/symbols on these canvases are free hand drawing without any corrections just from first touch as I can say.
Finished commission portrait for my friend and collector. The portrait of his Mother. It will go to my favorite city in India to New Delhi and will hang together with the best Indian artists as M. F. Husain, Raza, Francis Newton Souza !!! It’s a big honor to be on the same wall with them! Thanks to the Universe and to my friend to trust in me and gave me this opportunity
ДИЗАЙНЕРЫ КАЗАНИ В РЕСТОРАНЕ LOVE STORIS на набережной у Кремля. Целый год неустанных трудов, бессонных ночей, напряжённых дней, креатива через край, сложных Клиентов, убегающих недель, интереснейших Проектов... Уф! Мы заслужили отдых!
Благодарю Фарида Латипова @farida_latipova, Татьяна Комарова @komarova_tati, салон HANAK @hanak_kazan, Мир ковров @mir_kovrov_kzn за организацию.
#новыйгоддизайнерыкзн2019 #ArtAbramova #дизайнерыказани #моймирдизайна