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This is the Sonic Runway, a corridor of 32 arches ringed with colored LEDs, stretching over 1,000 feet in the deep playa. At night, the animated lights are synchronized to music.
#artonplaya #burningmanart #burningman2016 #blackrockcity #brc #davincisworkshop #structures #structures_greatshots #burningman #brc2016 #sonicrunway #installationart #isnew
#radialumia at #BurningMan by
@burningman is many things to many people. What it has been and what it has done for me changes every year. This year when asked the ever present question at the end of the week; “How was your burn?” My answer seemed to find itself in one word. Profound.
We as human beings, sentient creatures, have many attributes. Some of the more curious ones are our blind spots. Blind spots are the things we can not see about our selves. By definition we are blind to them. Usually they require a partner or friend to bring them to light, and usually when they do we initially have an adverse reaction to them.
This year on the playa I was given the gift to see many of my blind spots by myself with no assistance from others. I saw them in their raw form and saw them as many of the qualities that annoy me about others.
When I finally truly saw them in myself, I began the cycle of getting through them. First came the shame. The shame for having those qualities, and the shame for judging others. The shame for seeing moments of my life when I exhibited all opf those traits I disliked so much.
After several days I finally came to peace with the shame, humbled myself, and finally forgave myself. It was this moment of forgiving myself that allowed me to move past the shame and guilt and begin to heal. I now have many things to work on for this coming year. Many parts of my self that are now open to improve.
Thank you burning man for always providing the backdrop for self improvement.
@burningmanphotos #burningmanphotos
#burningman2018 #artonplaya