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“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” —
Jules Renard
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If you could write a letter and ask for some love life advice from any YA author (and know they'd for sure write back!), who would you write to?
Happy book birthday to DEAR HEARTBREAK, a powerful collection of real letters from teens all over the world and the responses provided by some of our favorite YA authors—including editor @heatherdemetrios. Get your copy today!
DEAR HEARTBREAK by Heather Demetrios
In this powerful collection, well-known YA authors answer real letters from teens all over the world about the dark side of love: dating violence, break-ups, cheating, betrayals, and loneliness. This book contains a no-holds-barred, raw outpouring of the wisdom these authors have culled from mining their own hearts for the fiction they write. Their responses are autobiographical, unflinching, and filled with love and hope for the anonymous teen writers. •
With contributors Becky Albertalli, Adi Alsaid, Libba Bray, Heather Demetrios, Amy Ewing, Zach Fehst, Gayle Forman, Corey Ann Haydu, Varian Johnson, A.S. King, Nina LaCour, Kim Liggett, Kekla Magoon, Sarah McCarry, Sandhya Menon, Cristina Moracho, Jasmine Warga, and Ibi Zoboi.
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