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ASMR- Soft Dirt+Cement crumble in bucket and in water + paste making . Full Video is up on my YouTube channel ➡️ "Asmr Crumble" (Link in bio) ⬆️ and Do SUBSCRIBE to My Channel ❤❤.
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Sahara jadul #asmrsoapsounds
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swipe; only crumble bumble
up! everything mix
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Lemon Comet Balls!! Tomorrow I’ll be posting more gym chalk videos so don’t worry they’re coming back! Lol I also have some floral foam videos that I’m filming tonight/ tomorrow. Thanks for the support!! ✌️
#asmr #asmrpica #asmrvids #asmrvideo #asmrcomet #asmrcommunity #asmrcrunchy #asmrcrumble #asmrcrunchy #asmrcornstarch #asmrlemoncomet #lemoncomet #asmrcutting #crunchyasmr #asmrtriggers #asmrtingles #asmrrelax
Подсушенный ляпетит что то там))) full video can be viewed on my YouTube channel, link in bio
Полное видео можно посмотреть на моем ютуб канале, ссылка в шапке профиля)
#asmr #soapcutting #asmrsoap #soapasmr #soap #asmreating #asmrsounds #asmrvideo #asmrcutting #asmrtingles #asmrtriggers #asmrtapping #asmrvid #asmrvideos #asmraccount #asmrsound #relax #relaxasmr #relaxvideo #relaxing #tapping #asmrtapping #мыло #асмрмыло #хруст #хрустмыла #режумыло #люблюмыло #drysoap #drysoapcutting #soapcutting