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"He who increases the knowledge, increases the sorrow..." The philosophy of such a statement I can understand... But for it to be true – literally true? A society that waged wars with ideas and informations in place of steel and swords..." - from Altäir Ibn-La'Ahad's Codex
Photos taken by @muser_cosplay
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Altair the mentor
Edit by me
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They are cute
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This is so bad but so funny
*Not mine
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Think that who is he ?
2.Ezio ~Video and photos taken by me
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Squad goals af ((#myedit)) #ubisoft #assassinscreed
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Assassin's Creed Fan Keep Following @assassin_c_fan_is_back Daily Updates to our favorite game!
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"Nel trailer di Assassin's Creed, Altair è equipaggiato con una balestra, ma essa non si può usare nel gioco.
In Assassin's Creed III è possibile ottenre la veste di Altaïr, a condizione che la trama principale venga completata al 100% di sincronizzazione."
"In the Assassin's Creed trailer, Altair is equipped with a crossbow, but it cannot be used in the game.
In Assassin's Creed III it is possible to obtain the robe of Altaïr, provided that the main storyline is completed at 100% sync. "
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