Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #ATTEMPTEDMINIMALIST

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#attemptedminimalist #consciousconsumer #consciousliving #letssavetheplanet #livingmeaningfully #livingwithpurpose #mimimalism #minimalist #experiencesnotstuff #lessstuff #livingwithless #experiencesnotthings #livingsimply #lessstuffmorejoy #minsgame


We all have stuff that we never use but don’t let go of for fear of needing it someday. Honestly, that someday is never going to come. If you haven’t used it by now or used it in a long time, it’s more than likely that you never will.⁣ ⁣ Why do we allow our lives to be cluttered with useless junk - because that’s what it is if it serves no purpose or doesn’t bring joy - when we could feel so much lighter and more free without it? I think it’s a perceived security blanket thing, we think we feel reassured by having stuff around that we might need ‘one day’ when in actual fact it only contributes to our discontent and unhappiness. ⁣ ⁣ So, if you have a bunch of stuff kicking around in your drawers, cupboards, attic, basement, car, wherever - just let it go. You might feel uncomfortable at the thought at first but I promise that you won’t regret it once it’s gone. ⁣ #mimimalism #minimalist #attemptedminimalist #livingwithless #lessstuff #lessstuffmorejoy #livingsimply #livingmeaningfully #livingwithpurpose #consciousliving #consciousconsumer #experiencesnotthings #experiencesnotstuff #letssavetheplanet


Long weekends are for decluttering and selling things I no longer need. I used to work in retail while I was studying and haven’t quite managed to shake the habit of buying excessive amounts of clothing. Well, that’s about to change! It feels so refreshing to get rid of things I no longer use. Normally I’d just send these items straight to the clothing bins. After a half hour taking photos and creating descriptions for the listings, I’m hoping I can make some extra $$$! #reselling #attemptedminimalist #declutter


How many of us are in a constant loop of consumption? Always buying things that we think we need or absolutely have to have, believing they’ll make us happier or our lives easier?⁣ ⁣ I have to admit that I was like that. I’ve never been materialistic in the sense of being flashy with money or purchases, but I’ve been a compulsive (mostly online) shopper for a long time with things I think me and my family need. My Amazon Prime subscription was worth the money for the postage savings alone, which is shameful. I would order something, be excited for it to arrive, be happy when it arrived, then get over it within a day or two and be looking for the next “what do I really need?” ⁣thing. ⁣ In reality, we humans need very little. We need shelter, food, warmth, love and companionship, and the ability to have meaningful experiences. All the mod cons we think will make our lives easier a lot of the time actually end up getting in the way or languishing in cupboards taking up space and creating clutter, making us unhappy and leading us to look for the next item we think will do the trick. I really believe that if we limit the amount of stuff in our lives we can create room for what’s really important - and help save our beautiful planet in the process. ⁣ ⁣ #mimimalism #minimalist #attemptedminimalist #livingwithless #lessstuff #lessstuffmorejoy #livingsimply #livingmeaningfully #livingwithpurpose #consciousliving #consciousconsumer #experiencesnotthings #experiencesnotstuff #letssavetheplanet


As a society, we need to start prioritising the making of precious memories over the accumulation of worthless possessions. ⁣ When you’re old and grey and looking back on your life, will you think fondly of the different cars that you drove or will it be the times you spent with your loved ones with your heart so happy you thought it might burst?⁣ Will it be the the various models of smartphone that you just had to upgrade to every two years, or that warm and fuzzy feeling you got by being fully present and making the people you care about feel like they truly mattered? ⁣ If you’re a parent like me, what do you think your children will remember in years to come? The (multiple plastic bits of rubbish we call) toys that they had or the excited feeling of butterflies they had in their tummies when you went on an exciting family holiday? ⁣ ⁣ Since when did stuff become more important to us than meaningful experiences? Why have we unconsciously prioritised spending our hard earned money on things over quality time with our loved ones? Once we realise what we’re doing, it’s easy to make the change...⁣ ⁣ #mimimalism #minimalist #attemptedminimalist #livingwithless #lessstuff #lessstuffmorejoy #letthatstuffgo #livingsimply #livingmeaningfully #livingwithpurpose #consciousliving #consciousconsumer #experiencesnotthings #experiencesnotstuff #letssavetheplanet


It’s Day 8 of #minsgame and today I’ve been rummaging about in the kitchen!⁣ ⁣ It was soooooo easy to find eight items I think you’ll be seeing much more from the kitchen in the coming days I’ve actually no idea where some of these things came from, like the cheap cutlery set and the smaller of the two trays. How is that even possible?! I know for a fact the larger tray was used once and almost exactly nine years ago... ⁣ ⁣ As for the five BBQ tools, they haven’t been used in almost nine years as we haven’t had a working BBQ for almost that length of time, so they HAVE to go. I can’t actually believe they’ve been cluttering up a kitchen drawer for so long!⁣ ⁣ Are kitchens the worst offenders when it comes to redundant stuff ⁣ ⁣ #mimimalism #minimalist #attemptedminimalist #livingwithless #lessstuff #lessstuffmorejoy #letthatstuffgo #livingsimply #livingmeaningfully #livingwithpurpose #consciousliving #consciousconsumer #experiencesnotthings #experiencesnotstuff #letssavetheplanet ⁣


Sometimes we just need to slow down. I had big plans for today, but they can all wait. . Well except for laundry— laundry waits for no man, woman, or child, apparently. . But, Excuse me while I lay here next to a sleeping babe for a little while longer. Because soon I’ll blink and they’ll be pulling out loose teeth, or filling out college applications. . . . . #minimalism #simple #attemptedminimalist #curateagoodlife #breathe #tobe #livefully #qualitylife


"We mostly spend more of our lives conjugating three verbs: to Want, to Have, and to Do... forgetting that none of these verbs have any ultimate significance, except so far as they are transcended by and included in , the fundamental verb, to Be.” Evelyn Underhill This quote moved me so much. This. This is my new mission: To be.


Day 7 of #minsgame and here’s an example of stuff that I’ve hung on to in the vain hope of one day using it. ⁣ These colouring books and pens and pencils were a Christmas gift from a good few years ago when I was trying to prioritise a bit more self-care for myself. I thought the mindfulness of colouring might be a good way to achieve that and so asked for them as part of my Christmas present from my husband. ⁣ ⁣ Trouble is, I never quite took to the activity, preferring instead to do a bit of yoga if I found any spare time for myself but always thought that I should try to do it when I could. So the inevitable happened - they’ve sat in a cupboard for over three years (!!!) but the real kicker is that every time I happened across them I felt guilt and a little shame that I’d done nothing with them.⁣ ⁣ So instead of bringing me peace and contentment as was intended, these things have actually done the opposite. How much better could I have felt if I’d just let go of them when I realised that the activity wasn’t quite for me? Happily, someone is willing to take them off my hands so off they’ll go to a new home tonight!⁣ ⁣ P.S. The eagle eyed amongst you will notice the books, pens, and pencils equate to six items but I’m counting the gift bag they’re going in so seven items in all #mimimalism #minimalist #attemptedminimalist #livingwithless #lessstuff #lessstuffmorejoy #letthatstuffgo #livingsimply #livingmeaningfully #livingwithpurpose #consciousliving #consciousconsumer #experiencesnotthings #experiencesnotstuff #letssavetheplanet


This little marvel - an Ecoegg - ticks boxes for both minimalism and my attempt to do better by the environment. It’s a game-changer! ⁣ ⁣ The pellets that go inside react with one another and the water in the drum to clean your clothes and it honestly a brilliant job. I have an almost 5-year old and a 4-month old so I know what dirty laundry is! No need for messy powders or liquids or boxes of pods, and no need for fabric softener either! It’s a winner on so many levels:⁣ ⁣ 1. I only need the one, single item for my laundry⁣ 2. No nasty detergent chemicals going into the environment⁣ 3. No more plastic container upon plastic container of detergent to recycle (which might end in the sea anyway despite my efforts)⁣ 4. It saves you a LOT of money! 5. Quicker, easier, and fuss-free laundry routine⁣ ⁣ I should add that the Ecoegg is compatible with fabric conditioner and stain remover, it’s just that so far I’ve not needed either!⁣ ⁣ Would you consider a switch to Ecoegg?⁣ #notanad ⁣ ⁣ #mimimalism #minimalist #attemptedminimalist #livingwithless #lessstuff #lessstuffmorejoy #livingsimply #livingmeaningfully #livingwithpurpose #consciousliving #consciousconsumer #experiencesnotthings #experiencesnotstuff #letssavetheplanet #ecoegg ⁣#myecojourney

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