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Update: Ole Orange Bang has been primed, guide coated and blocked. Next on the to-do list, spray another coat of custom tinted orange primer, sand some more, then paint!
#bellsandvaughn #oleorangebang @larry_chen_foto
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Finally got back on my quarter panel this afternoon. Welding is completed. Resistance welding, MIG welding, panel bonding. Getting ready to apply some USC all metal to my welded seams then I will finish it up with a coat of evercoat Rage Extreme. Seam seal it up tomorrow and prime it down. Then it's ready to be prepped out for paint. #panelbeaters #panelbeater #panelbeaterlife #panelbeating #savagerefinisher #savagerefinisherinc #trigermanppg #dailygrind #hustle #bluecollarpimps #bebraveorgohome #autobody #autobodylifestyle #autobodyrepair #collisionrepair #collisioncenter #refinisherporn #refinisherfamily #paintersnation #refinishsavage #refinishtechnicians #refinishkulture #motivatedpainters #passionforpaint #passion4paint #ecpcrew #inittowinit
Honda NH737M-A
Gotta love these Honda colors