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So I have an obsession with #avocado seeds and I’ve been getting tons of questions about how I grow them. ⠀
Luckily it’s incredibly easy to do, you just need patience... and an AVOCADO! ⠀
Yesterday I posted a how to guide for avocado seed growing. You can find the guide on my highlights. ⠀
DM me if you have any questions or insights! I’d love to hear about your own experiences #sillsquad
Another Team Avocado group portrait
1. Eat an avocado.
2. Remove the seed and clean it with sponge or towel to get the slimy fruit off.
3. Soak seed for a few hours or a few days until hard brown outer shell softens a little.
4. Peel off the aforementioned shell.
5. Stick three toothpicks into the soft flesh of the seed so that you can submerge it in a glass of water about 2/3 of the way down.
6. Keep water level relatively consistent until roots sprout at which point you can keep filling with water or let it evaporate a bit. Just keep roots wet.
7. Wait for joy to arrive.
Helpful hint: Do this to a number of seeds at a time. Some sprout but some are duds. Don’t pin all your hope and dreams onto just one seed. Good luck!
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#plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #houseplants #urbanjunglebloggers #urbanjungleblog #plantnerd #plantsofinstagram #flauntyourleaves #plantshelfie #botanical #house_plant_community #welovehouseplants #houseplantclub #polliceverde #onlinehouseplants #plantstagram #avocado #avocadoseed #avocadotree #avogang #waterpropagation #teamavocado #avocadoguru #avocadogang #growingavocado
1. Eat an avocado.
2. Remove the seed and clean it with sponge or towel to get the slimy fruit off.
3. Soak seed for a few hours or a few days until hard brown outer shell softens a little.
4. Peel off the aforementioned shell.
5. Stick three toothpicks into the soft flesh of the seed so that you can submerge it in a glass vessel of water about 2/3 of the way down.
6. Keep water level relatively consistent until roots sprout at which point you can keep filling with water or let it evaporate a bit. Just keep roots wet.
7. Wait for joy to arrive.
Helpful hint: Do this to a number of seeds at a time. Some sprout but some are duds. Don’t pin all your hope and dreams onto just one seed. Good luck! .
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#plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #houseplants #urbanjunglebloggers #urbanjungleblog #plantnerd #plantsofinstagram #flauntyourleaves #plantshelfie #botanical #house_plant_community #welovehouseplants #houseplantclub #polliceverde #onlinehouseplants #plantstagram #avocado #avocadotree #avocadoplant #avocadoseed #waterpropagation #avogang #avocadoarmy #avocadoguru #avocadogang #teamavocado
What is your favorite plant? Out of all my plants, I get asked about my avocado tree the most (swipe to see how I grew it I can make a more detailed post on how if you like!) As I posted about yesterday, I love learning lessons from listening deeply to my plants! Here is what I have learned from this little guy (or gal ):
1) Things are not what they seem. Most avocado trees are grafted, so you have an unrealistic representation of viable seeds! This translates into life and expectations as well .
2) Patience and non attachment. Things take time. Even if it seem like nothing is happening, change is occurring under the surface that you can t see! Love what you do and don’t be attached to the outcome, the process will happen. Or it wont. Either way you will live happily if you are not attached! .
3) Determination! You are looking at someone with no natural talent as a handstander. I am tall (6”3), heavy (over 200lb), and naturally tight in every (way not good bone stacking). But this has made me work hard, maybe harder than others that are more “talented”, to achieve what I can. I am glad for the longer journey, because it has taught me a lot about myself and made me a better teacher! It was the same with this avocado! .
How are all of these the same? You just see the end product here! The one that worked! Do you know what y’all didn’t see? The 20 seeds I saved, started, and cared for before this guy took off. You don’t see the weeks or months that I spent taking care of a seed that did “nothing”. You don’t see me watering a “stone” for months, changing water and cleaning glasses, brushing off slime and mold, while waiting patiently and happily (and enjoying the work!). .
People tell me all the time they aren’t good at handstands. Welcome to the club! It’s not normal. When on human history did we ever need to stand on our hands to survive? People tell me they aren’t good with plants. How much have you practiced? How many seeds have you planted? How deeply are you listening? And do you love the work? - Max
Also if you guys want I can do a step by step on how to do this! Maybe an IGTV?
@miz.liz @aloyoga
UPD: мы не утверждаем, что это единственно верный способ! Просто именно так у нас получилось (а по другому у нас не получалось:)) Наш аво-огород зеленеет и колосится
Загубив не одну косточку, все-таки поняли как прорастить!
Перво-наперво надо снять коричневую шкурку с косточки - это существенно ускорит все процессы
Затем воткнуть в косточку (неглубоко) 3-4 зубочистки в качестве опоры, так чтобы половина косточки скрывалась под водой
Помещаем эту конструкцию в баночку-стаканчик с водой и набираемся терпения:)
И не забывайте подливать воду
Процесс прорастания не быстрый - не меньше месяца:
сначала косточка начнёт по чуть-чуть раскрываться, потом полезут корешки, ну, и, наконец, росток
А когда вылупятся липкие нежные листики - можно смело пересаживать в землю!
И хозяйке на заметку: авокадо любит свет, влажность и обильный полив
#авокадо #авокадопоинт #хозяйкеназаметку #green #avocadotree #avocado