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Hola! I'm Kimberly (@kimberly_regalado) the Famous Face of Grey on the 2nd Floor aka Coolest Floor. I'm , an @fitnyc grad and a native New Yorker. I speak Spanish fluently and I'm a self-proclaimed connector. I ❤️️ Music, ❤️️ Dance, and ❤️️People. I'm all about the BIG impact of small interactions. So Stop by my desk to listen to some tunes, grab a piece of fruit, find/book a conference room, get buzzed in, or just say hello. Oh yea, I'm a Mom to an almost 2 year old #BabyMister Follow me this week to see the world through my eyes. #GreyNY #GreyReceptionist #SeenAtgrey #MakingHistory #NewYork #FamouslyEffective #WorkLifebalance #Advertising #Marketing #GREYscale #KimTakesGrey
Perfect for our outings for the little's to keep cool @o2coolllc
#o2cool #o2coolbottle #o2coolmist #keepcool #keepcoolmybabies #howtostaycool #coolatthemeparks #coolforthesummer #bestsummerinvestment #momblogger #babyblogger #toddlerblogger #momlife #momlifeinabubble #ad #babymister #babywaterbottle #findingdory #findingdorywaterbottle #mickeymouse #mickeymousewaterbottle