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On Point(e)...
Model/Ballerina: @eliskabouzkova
Location: On top of the roof of St Paul's cathedral...
Thank you very much to @glacdao for inviting me!
If you would like to do a photoshoot, DM for enquiries
Check @annadepretto_landscapes for my landscape page
#portraitsvisuals #idealportrait #ldnportraits #theworldofportraits #portraitsnyc #woports #lensminds #portraitstalk #capitalports #uk_ports #balletphotography #creative_portraits #wickedports #portrait_wizard #assortedportrait #pinnacle_portraits #portraitcool #canonportraits #earth_portraits #ballerinashoot #ballerinaphotoshoot #ldn4all_portraits #theportraitmission #imaginativeportraits #portraitaus #portraitpage #portraitsfromtheworld #doports #londonphotoshoot
Thank you to everyone that came yesterday... it was an awesome day spent with friends!
Model: @eliskabouzkova
If you would like to do a photoshoot, DM for enquiries
Check @annadepretto_landscapes for my landscape page
#portraitsvisuals #idealportrait #ldnportraits #theworldofportraits #portraitsnyc #woports #lensminds #portraitstalk #capitalports #uk_ports #feedmeports #creative_portraits #wickedports #portrait_wizard #assortedportrait #balletphotography #portraitcool #canonportraits #earth_portraits #pursuitofportraits #portraitvision_ #ldn4all_portraits #ballerina #imaginativeportraits #portraitaus #ballerinashoot #portraitsfromtheworld #doports #annasfreemeetup1
Dancing on the roof...
Model/Ballerina: @eliskabouzkova
If you would like to do a photoshoot, DM for enquiries
Check @annadepretto_landscapes for my landscape page
#portraitsvisuals #idealportrait #ldnportraits #theworldofportraits #portraitsnyc #woports #lensminds #portraitstalk #capitalports #uk_ports #feedmeports #creative_portraits #wickedports #portrait_wizard #assortedportrait #pinnacle_portraits #portraitcool #canonportraits #ldn4all_drawing #balletphotography #portraitvision_ #ldn4all_portraits #theportraitmission #imaginativeportraits #portraitaus #portraitpage #portraitsfromtheworld #doports #ballerinashoot
Over the top...
Model/Ballerina: @eliskabouzkova
If you would like to do a photoshoot, DM for enquiries
Check @annadepretto_landscapes for my landscape page
#portraitsvisuals #idealportrait #ballerina #theworldofportraits #portraitsnyc #woports #lensminds #portraitstalk #capitalports #uk_ports #feedmeports #creative_portraits #wickedports #portrait_wizard #assortedportrait #pinnacle_portraits #portraitcool #canonportraits #balletdancer #pursuitofportraits #portraitvision_ #ldn4all_portraits #theportraitmission #imaginativeportraits #ballerinashoot #portraitpage #portraitsfromtheworld #doports #londonphotoshoot #ldn4all_grounded
Moin moin an Alle
Da euer Wunsch mir natürlich wie immer Befehl ist, bekommt ihr jetzt erstmal ein bisschen Körperknotkunst die nächsten Tage zu sehen
Und damit auch eine Premiere bei mir, denn das war mein erstes Mal mit Studioblitzen
Danke an die wunderschöne Ballerina und Modell @leonidemand
Mit dauernder fachlicher Unterstützung von @markus_glaser_photography
“ His Grace has a drenching about it, A wildness about it. A whitewater, riptide,turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It re-wires you. From insecure to God-secure. From regret-riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Once you encounter it, you’ll never be the same “ - Wild grace. Max Lucado #graceofgod #freefalling #wildgrace
#reflectionphotography captured by @laki999 #ballerinashoot #oceanphotography #yogaposeoftheday #islandlife #photographytips #modelsearch #modelsofinstagram #modelswithamessage #savedbygrace #theagencysrilankamodel #theagencysrilanka