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Happy bday B.A.P's Leader Bang Yongguk B.A.B.Yz are always so proud of youI hope all your wishes come true You are the only one king You are the most beautiful and talented man I've ever seen. Thank you for being with us and making high quality musics "The moonlight shines on you
My eyes are trapped on you
To a place only we know
To a place that no one knows
This time is our secret"
-Moondance by B.A.P
I'm sure about that Zelo is the tallest "fan" there skcosockskdkdk btw 'See You Later' was playing when Zelo came, isn't this so beautiful? I love the way that yongguk plays with fury (or the other dogs) He turns a child when he plays with dogs. I love him so much He is the most beautiful man alive. I'm also so proud of him