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“Fear comes like a wind, how you meet it? is you just meet it, and you wait, and it blows and blows itself out, and then your alone again”- frank herbert ✨
What do you fear? How can you face it☠️
I’ve been doing a lot of shadow work. Studying my fears. Holding and observing bugs and insects, taking night Hikes in the desert alone, ice baths and cold submergence. •
What conclusions have I made? That literally I’m the scariest thing in existence the fear I’ve felt is only the fear of myself, we are the bumps in the middle of the night, we are the monsters under our beds. •
#faceyourself #faceyourfears #clouds #sunrise #barefootwinter #yogaeveryday #wildflowers #yogaoutside #yogaphoenix
Great post from TFC Educator @alignment.anarchist about her gear from
This is what happens when your @thefootcollective order shows up. Getting in some foot therapy with passive #toespreaders while treating my @vivobarefoot Gobi II and Gobi hi-tops with the new leather protection product Renapūr. So far I have only treated these once and they are sticking out the winter really well!
#thefootcollective #barefoot #strongfeet #health #alignmentanarchist #barefootwinter #minimalfootwear #vivobarefoot #ottawa #vivogobiwomen #toespread #footmachine #thefootcollective #freeyourfeet #renapurleatherbalsam
Видимо это был последний снег в этом сезоне... Буду ждать новый снег, новый лёд и новую зиму! Люблю ходить босиком по снегу!
Apparently this was the latest snow in this season... I will wait for new snow, new ice and new winter! I like to walk barefoot in the snow!
#ростовнадону #босая #босикомнаснегу #босикомпоснегу #зима #ступни #футфетиш #фетиш #barefoot #barefeet #barefootsnow #barefeetsnow #barefootwinter