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No... They weren't lying❤️
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They could have been the bestest couple ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Follow- @himym_diaries for more posts♥️♥️
Well..... Thank you so much guys... We are 4k family now❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Follow- @himym_diaries for more posts❤️❤️❤️
This line is so popular... I couldn't resist posting this
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Who remembers this scene
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Just all kinds of stuff... I became emotional after this scene.... The moment he said these words.... I started remembering each and every episode of himym❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Follow- @himym_diaries for more posts and content and keep sharing our posts #himymquotes#himymmemes#marshalleriksen#lilyaldrin#robinscherbatsky#joshradnor#himymjokes#himym#barney#lily#robin#tedmosby#stinson#legendary#waitforit#joshradnor#nph#neilpatrickharris#barneymemes#howimetyourmother#newyork#nyc#himymedit#himymscenes#cristinmillioti#himymfan#swarley#nph#mclaren#manhattan#neilpatrickharris#alysonhannigan#jasonsegel