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If you do not like people being overdramatic AF, keep scrollin’. I was on a quest to find the Butterscotch Toffee candle today. I drove to all five of my Bath and Body Works. None of them had it. All the SA’s were wonderful and sweetly offered me something they thought I’d like just as much. Mainly sweet shop 2.0, and mainly Cold Brew. One though, told me Butterscotch Toffee was actually out of stock because it is a winter candle. I had to giggle to myself. Anyway, when I couldn’t find one, I just picked up a candle at each stop and used my free item coupon and a got free wallflower. At each stop. I got five candles and five free wallflowers. That kind of made me feel better for not finding my Butterscotch Toffee. And the search continues....... #wallflowers #bathandbodyworks
#holdthephone #ringthealarm #shutthefrontdoor #gotell #somebody #anybody #whatyousay #didyousay #noway #yesway my guess is this will go live for everyone at 8PM don’t quote me on that! Just a guess. The way sales have been set up lately I wouldn’t skip this one! Not the cheapest but the best we have seen lately! #bathandbodyworks #loadyourcart #ready #set #go
Love this packaging! The labels are textured! You can feel all the swirls. Unfortunately it was nothing I needed to have today at $10 off! But I will grab island papaya and tiki beach in the future! Fresh sea walk and salted ocean air smell new to my nose but I’m no expert! #coconutsandalwood #islandpapaya #theperfectsummer #suntan #freshseawalk #saltedoceanair #tikibeach #berrywafflecone #alohakiwipassionfruit #bathandbodyworks #summer2019 #comingsoon
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Духи кисточка от Victoria's Secret - 300 грн.Маска для лица тканевая - 70 грн.
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