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Battlefield 1 is still better than Battlefield V ☠️ Highlights from a pretty fun game on Verdun heights conquest a few weeks back! What’s your favourite map In BF1? ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ #battlefield1 #bf1 #battlefieldv #bfv #gaming #gamer #gamergirl #gamerguy #xbox #xboxone #clip #epic #dope #meme #memes #funnymemes #sniper #apex #sniping #beast #beastmode #funny #apexlegends #views #fun #fortnite #fun #420 #asmr
Played some BF1 this morning. Gotta love that sound when you shoot someone in the nose .
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If you want to find a Sniper Rifle on firestorm 9/10 times there is one on this train I was lucky that first guy fell off the track . I hadn't picked up ammo for my gun
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Head Hunting ☠️ What are your first impressions on Firestorm? I’m massively unimpressed by it, it needs a lot of tweaks. Leave a comment ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️#battlefield1 #bf1 #battlefieldv #bfv #gaming #gamer #gamergirl #gamerguy #xbox #xboxone #clip #epic #dope #meme #memes #funnymemes #sniper #apex #sniping #beast #beastmode #funny #apexlegends #views #fun #fortnite #fun #420 #asmr
Firestorm win with @xvoodoohaze Personally I think the player count needs to be upped, I don’t feel as though 64 players on this map is enough. The looting system is pretty terrible and it takes a long time to join a game. The map looks beautiful, as all the other maps on BFV. ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ #battlefield1 #bf1 #battlefieldv #bfv #gaming #gamer #gamergirl #gamerguy #xbox #xboxone #clip #epic #dope #meme #memes #funnymemes #sniper #apex #sniping #beast #beastmode #funny #apexlegends #views #fun #fortnite #fun #420 #asmr
@skyy_limit - 2 collaterals in a row with a 1.2k streak
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