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They may forget my name.
They may forget my face...
but they will never forget my setup.
To more of these beauties in greater detail, go peep my *Live* IG Story
#theBHLife #TheGoodLife #2XPro #BauerGoalie #GoalieGear #GoalieLife #BeerLeague #Legend #Beer #MensLeague #BrokeTheInternet #Custom #GoaliePads #TendySetups #BauerHockey #BauerVapor
Back to work with the @bauergoalie Development Series!
This week we’re doing a drill courtesy of my good friend and former goaltending partner @esgoaltending. The name for this one is... colorful so I’ll leave it for our YouTube channel.
Drill begins with a pass off the pad. Goalie recovers and shooter has the option to shoot or pass backdoor.
This one is intentionally “unfair.” Time to compete!
As always, full video is on our YouTube channel. Link in bio.
#goaliecoaches #goalienation #bauergoalie #mybauer #ownthemoment