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Palazzo del Quirinale, Roma.
Appartamenti Imperiali, Sala delle udienze / Imperial Apartments, the Audience hall
From, the official website of the Quirinale:
“The Bel Étage of the so-called Marica Lunga (Long Wing) houses the Imperial Apartments, a suite of sixteen rooms that hosted, on two different occasions, first in 1888 and again in 1893, Emperor William II of Germany during his visits to the Quirinale Palace.
The Audience Hall contains three tapestries of the “Love of the Gods” series. Starting from the wall adjacent to the Brustolon Hall and proceeding clockwise, they depict the loves and passions of Mars and Venus, Boreas abducting Orithyia and Bacchus and Erigone. Together with the tapestry featuring Bacchus and Ariadne, which can be found in the Tapestry Room, they were woven in the Beauvais factory between 1750 and 1752 from cartoons by François Boucher. Made to decorate the Ducal Palace of Parma, and subsequently moved to the Ducal Palace of Colorno after a short stop at the Royal Palace of Turin, the tapestries were brought to the Quirinale Palace to decorate this room in 1888. The third tapestry (in the picture) is the one portraying Psyche showing the treasures to her sisters, which forms part of the “Stories of Psyche” series.”
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