beeoutgoing smile stopbullyingnow beekind beehappy staysilly standupbeeheard beesilly stanupbeeheard beestrong kindness beeafriend beepositive standupselfiesaturday standupthankfulthursday youngmarines standupmakeafriendmonday antibullying baseball beeafriendnotabully coasttocoastkindness havefunoutthere highfive kidpreneurexpo love lovethegame newgame onslowcounty spreadtheword gametimearcade
This weekend we were a little backwards, we did Saturday Funday and Selfie Sunday! LoL share your ictures and stories here using the hashtags #StandUpSelfieSaturday & #StandUpSundauFunday Yesterday we took the kids to a Dr. Seuss party and today we went fishing! A great weekend all around! #StandUpBeeHeard #StopBullyingNow #BeeKind #BeeHappy #BeeOutgoing #Smile #StaySilly
Happy Make a Friend Monday everyone!! Share your stories and pictures here using the hashtag #StandUpMakeaFriendMonday Today Ryan is home sick but he will be back to making new friends soon. We have a BIG surprise for him today I hope he feels better by then. #StandUpBeeHeard #StopBullyingNow #BeeKind #BeeHappy #BeeOutgoing #Smile #StaySilly
It's Bo Time!! A couple weeks ago I nominated Ryan for Bojangles random acts of kindness. Today they brought us all dinner and prizes to surprise him!! Thank you Bojangles for reaching out to community members and rewarding them for #RandomActsOfBo and Thank you Ryan for being such a great kid!!!
#BeeKind #Kindness #Bojangles #RandomActsOfKindness #StandUpBeeHeard #StopBullyingNow #BeeHappy #BeeOutgoing #Smile #StaySilly