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6 Hop IPA
ABV 6,66 %
IBU 87
Пивоварня: @rogueales ⠀
240 ₽
Есть такая пивоварня Rogue, и они так замарачиваются на локальность и персонализацию продукта, что у них даже есть своя ферма, где они выращивают хмели и другие ингредиенты, используемые в пивоварении и других целях.
Этот сорт сварен с добавлением 6 разных хмелей с фермы.
Пьётся довольно легко, не смотря на алкоголь (вероятно, специально вытянутый до значения 6,66 ), присутствует слегка уловимый карамельный привкус - у американских ИПА часто так бывает, и для меня это плюс! Хмелевая составляющая яркая, хотя, я не могу сказать, что оригинальные хмели нравятся мне больше привычных Mosaic, Citra или Simcoe. Хмель в этом пиве менее сочный или фруктовый, скорее с более травянистым оттенком. ⠀
Вероятно, этот сорт рассчитан на постоянных потребителей Rogue, которым интересно, чем же они могут охмелять своё пиво. В целом, ровненькая хорошая ипа, без какого либо яркого акцента.
Вкус- 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Дизайн этикетки - 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Оригинальность- 3⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⠀ ⠀
#instabeer #beerinsta #ipa #rogueales #craftbeer #beerblog
BREWERY: @electricbrewingco
BEER: Cognitive Dissonance
STYLE: Double India Pale Ale
Part 2 of AverageBeerDude stood in a 3 hour line to get this beer is here, folks! As mentioned in a previous review (for Pestilence, just a few reviews back), we were 150th in line for this one despite the fact we showed up many, many hours early. We stood there, stood there, and stood there some more and walked away with a total of three 4-packs of this bad fella. Lemme tell ya, this review was a little tricky. You see the score. It’s the same score as I gave Pestilence, but I think this one is better. Why? Well, this was my last can, and honestly I feel like it ‘fell off’ a bit even after just a few short weeks. Let’s not get caught up in details. Fact: this beer was better in its first two weeks than it was in its second two weeks. I’m not complaining though, let’s talk about it a bit. At 8.5% ABV, Cognitive Dissonance, one of Electric’s ‘re-brews’ is smashed full of Galaxy, Nelson, and a hop that I’ve never even heard of in Kohatu. Sounds good, right? Well, they upped the ante a bit and conditioned this guy on Alphonso mangoes AND zested orange. The result is something that looks a bit like an Orange Julius smoothie with a milky orange appearance that glistens in the sunlight. On the nose, it’s mango, mango, mango all damn day. Supporting it though are subtle traces of peach and a little bit of earthy hop resin. In the mouth, it’s what you’d expect, thick and juicy from start to finish with a carbonation that’s tight, tingly, and dare I say, spritzy. Yes, spritzy. Flavors don’t deviate from the nose much - we picked up what we could best describe as fresh mango purée tamed by a little sparkling water. Confusing, right? Think straight mimosa that’s made with purée instead of artificial juice. There’s some tartness courtesy of mango along with a nice orange zest bitterness and an earthy pine resin finish. Phew… while it’s really nice… it just wasn’t my forever favorite from Electric
#electricbrewing #cognitivedissoance #doubleipa #dipa #hazybeer #hazecraze #averagebeerdude #beerreview #beertasting #beerblogger #beerblog #craftbeeronly #linelife
BREWERY: @electricbrewingco
BEER: Pestilence
STYLE: Double India Pale Ale
It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The controversial one. Yep, let’s talk a little bit about Pestilence, one of Electric Brewing Company’s most recent releases. It pains to me admit, but I stood in line for over 3 hours for my shot at three 4-packs of this little fella. Electric had been completely obliterating our palates week after week with the tastiest of haze nuke. I showed up hours early, was 150th in line, and drove away from Murrieta with the highest of expectations. I’ll hand it to Electric, they claimed this release was ‘different than the rest’ and they were right. I’m not here to talk shit though. This beer, for what it is, was quite tasty and a truly refreshing shift from the typical milk-sugar typhoon. Clocking in at 8.3% ABV, it’s mashed full of Citra and Mosaic hops, then dry-hopped with that same bill PLUS Nelson. Sounds kind-of traditional, eh? Have no fear, it’s still hazy, it still looks a bit like murky orange swamp water, and it still produces a thick, soapy foam ring with the best of ‘em. The nose reeks of tropical pineapple, mango, and white wine grape with a (more than usual) prominent cracker malt backbone. It goes against the grain in the mouth compared to what we’re used to - it’s thinner medium, not overly full and smoothie-like, and offers a West-coasty, mildly carbonated experience from start to finish. Flavors include a balanced mix of tropical pineapple, mango, grape, and maybe even a little banana and bubble-gum mixed with that same crackery malt. There’s a little bit of sweetness throughout, but it’s not overbearing, and a very subtle bitter finish. Haze lords will talk all the smack they want about how this ‘isn’t a good beer’ but you know what, that’s some bullshit
#electricbrewing #pestilence #doubledryhopped #ddh #doubleipa #dipa #murrieta #canrelease #linelife #craftbeerlifestyle #craftbeerculture #craftbeeronly #supportlocalbeer #drinklocalbeer #averagebeerdude #beerreview #beerblog
BREWERY: @moderntimesbeer
BEER: Broken Shadows
STYLE: Rye India Pale Ale
RATING: 4.5/5
Modern Times, we’re kind of like old high school buddies. We come, we go, we come back, and then we disappear again for a bit. Don’t believe me? Go look through the feed and tell me the last time I posted a Modern Times offering (spoiler alert: it really wasn’t that long ago). But… as things go, I knew I’d be back and thanks in part to a special beer friend tossing a can my way… here we are. Truth be told, I passed on Broken Shadows on release week. Something about Rye India Pale Ales is so hit or miss for me. But leave it to the beer wizards churning grain and tossing hops at @moderntimespdx to make a rye bang-ski. At 7.2% ABV, Broken Shadows is brewed using flaked rye and rye malt on the grain side to match up with Strata, Crystal, Chinook, and Galaxy on the hop side. The can looks a little demonic, but the beer itself looks anything but with its turbid, golden, almost-milky yellow color and soft, fluffy head of foam. The nose is rather unique - so unique that I sat there for minutes, probably smelling it at least a dozen times, trying to pinpoint what exactly I was sniffing. I found big melon-like character and a little citrus mixed with this yeasty aroma, subtle grainy rye spice, and some pine. It sounds weird, but that’s all I’ve got. In the mouth it’s a bit dreamy. Entering super soft, the beer just sort-of rests on the tongue and takes a nap. If you didn’t know the ABV on this fella, you’d swear it was a bigger Double IPA… it’s that chewy and thick. Flavors are a mixture of fruit and rye, straight up. Modern Times claims strawberry and, while it’s there, it’s not all that strong. There’s also orange citrus, cantaloupe and honeydew, and rye spice. This beer is extremely clean, at least for me, throughout the experience and offers up great, great balance. Crush city, y’all!
#moderntimesbeer #moderntimespdx #portlandbeer #pdxbeer #sdbeer #sandiegobeer #localbrewery #drinklocalbeer #supportlocalbeer #averagebeerdude #beerreview #beerblog #craftbeeronly #craftbeergeek #craftbeernerd #craftcans #beerfriends
BREWERY: @electricbrewingco + @brujos_brewing
BEER: Funeralopolis
STYLE: Triple India Pale Ale
Another day, another Triple IPA from the Future of Southern California. At this point, I can confidently say I’ve drank more big ‘ol 10%+ beers than ever and I blame Electric. Yep, I’m pointing fingers. But I won’t hate. These beers taste so, so good. Dare I say crack in a can? All of those haze calories are making me delusional. During the great Triple IPA campaign of early 2019, Sam from Brujos stopped by before leaving for Oregon and whipped up this one. And me, well I stood in a long ass line to get it and walked away with a single 4-pack (see ‘delusional’ comment above). I cracked a can just days later and was oddly not impressed, but leave it to a little age to change this thing around a bit! Funeralopolis, at the core, is the standard. 10.2% ABV. Triple IPA. Double dry-hopped. Milk sugar. All that stuff. What sets it apart from the other offerings is its hop bill - Citra, Rakau, Galaxy, and Kohatu. Leaving the can, Funeralopolis is a murky, swamp-orange color with a frothy, dense head that settles into a thin shoelace of soap around the edges. After debating just what the fuck I was smelling, I settled on juicy peach, a little citrus, a scoop of berry, and a helping raisiny grape skin. Does that sound weird? Yeah, it was a little different but somehow, someway it worked just fine. In the mouth, this one is absolutely what you’d expect - straight Electric treatment. It’s thick, it’s chewy, and it’s oddly smooth for how high the ABV is. There’s a ton of soft pillow and no boozy heat anywhere regardless of how long you let it swirl around. While this one certainly isn’t my favorite Electric Triple, it still tastes swell. There’s a stone-fruity peach early mixed with citrus and this (sort-of odd) raisin flavor. Mid-palate things transition to earthy wet grass and a smooth hop resinous finish. Now if I can only get this haze gut forming to go away
Грейпфрутовый IPA Elvis juice от @brewdogofficial
Невероятно цитрусовый вкус, чуть мыльный, что для грейпфрута вполне характерно. Казалось бы, что стилевая горчинка в совокупности с грейпфрутовой цедрой будет только усиливаться, но нет. Горечь очень мягкая и сбалансированная.
Насыщеный цвет, мягкая карбонизация. В целом сочный, легкий и освежающий эль.Брала его несколько раз, и до сих пор пью с удовольствием. А это, знаете ли, много о чем говорит
А вы знали о том, что основатели BrewDog Мартин и Джеймс, не желая вступать в судебные разбирательства с правообладателями имени Элвиса Пресли, сменили свои имена на Элвис? Мол: «Мы пиво не в честь артиста называли, а в честь любого другого Элвиса. Да нас же самих Элвис зовут, кстати говоря!»
Вспомнила сейчас историю с Грошевым Романом, который теперь гордо именует себя Кондольским Пельменем, и получит за это 200кг кондольских Молодость и мы бесстрашны, что тут еще скажешь?)
ABV 6,5%
IBU 40
#beer #craft #craftbeer #крафтовоепиво #пиво #крафт #пивнойблог #beerblog #beergeek #beerlover #beerporn #beerbloggersrussia #beerslog #настяипиво #пиво #крафтовоепиво #брюдог #brewdog
My good friend @boozyburgerbellend really hooked me up when he came to Chicago! We did a nice little beer exchange and I walked away with this beauty, Don’t Tell Gus from @verdantbrew I had Verdant when I was in London and it was fantastic. This beer was no exception. Super juicy, smooth and full of citrus flavor. There’s something really special about how these guys brew. So delicious! Wishing belated safe travels to Stu (Stew) and Vicky....loved having you guys here!
I’ve been seeing @450northbrewing around insta for awhile...always jealous but not anymore! This is Slushy XL Sour Diesel and it is very much XL and very much slushy! So much blackberry and black currant flavor with just a touch of tart. Clearly I really enjoy currants because I LOVE every beer I try with them haha! I wish I still had a pic of the residue this guy left on my was intense! You can call it healthy with that much fruit right?! Now I just need to make it down to the brewery! Ive seen so many awesome @450northbrewing beers soo...impossible question: what’s your favorite?!
Впечатления о @bestcraftfest из первых рук
Во-первых, я очень рада, что начала на подобных мероприятиях чувствовать себя как рыба в воде. Если раньше я в панике носилась от стойки к стойке без какого-либо плана и цели, то теперь я гораздо более избирательна и знаю, что стоит попробовать, а мимо чего можно спокойно проходить.
Во-вторых, рада была увидеть вживую ребят из ассоциации @beerbloggersrussia спасибо всем за встречу и за бесплатный вип проход
В-третьих, мне очень понравились лекции в зоне craft business, и что люди слушали и задавали вопросы. Приятно что пришло столько заинтересованных в развитии отрасли людей, а не только люди, желающие нажраться)
Выделила для себя несколько новых, но очень классных пивоварен: это @lis_brew , @fourdropsbrew , и внезапно... @covenbrew
Хотелось бы, конечно, чтобы билетов на такие фестивали продавали в два раза меньше. Я готова платить в два раза больше, лишь бы не толкаться в такой толпе.
Про то, что творилось в конце феста ничего сказать не могу: до этого у меня была ночь в автобусе, где я урывками поспала часа два в общей сложности, кроме того я заболела. Так что мое состояние не позволило мне остаться до конца
В целом, от фестиваля остались очень приятные впечатления: вкусное пиво, вкусная еда, отличная музыка, интересные активности (даже пивная йога была), что еще нужно для радости?)
В следующем году приеду еще раз