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Ad The very best part of the bookstagram community is all the new books I get to discover. A huge thank you to @hailess for gifting me a copy Band of Shadows, a YA fantasy that sounds just the perfect thing for me as it includes FAERIES I can’t wait to dive into this.
Scarlet has no idea who she is. And after spending nearly a decade in the foster system, she has never quite felt like she belonged. In fact, for the first seventeen years of her life she didn’t even know her last name.
Night after night, she is plagued by a dream of a strange-looking door. Until finally, she stumbles upon that very door and is thrust into another realm, a place unlike anything she has ever seen.
Now alone in the unknown world of Avalon, a land where the plants have healing powers, the birds play games, and the trees hide the most valuable secrets, Scarlet meets Morgana, the island’s enigmatic leader who unveils the truth: Scarlet is a Faye, a powerful race of people whose population was nearly decimated during the Shadow Wars.
But Morgana didn’t bring Scarlet to Avalon solely to keep her safe.
Unsure who to trust or what to believe, Scarlet learns that the truth isn’t always what it seems. There is a new war brewing, and when it arrives, Scarlet will make a shocking discovery about her past from the most unlikely of sources, and everything Scarlet has ever known will be thrown into question.
details. .
#details #french #tones #nude #beige #seethrough #clearbag #dior #gold #parisienne #parisvibes #parisianlifestyle #inspo #inspiration #mood #style #howtobeparisian #pinterest #tones #prettyplaces #darlingdaily #classic #neutrals #weekend #minimalstyle #neutralstyle #streetstyle #streetstyleuk
праздники закончились, теперь остаётся только собраться и начать готовиться к концу учебного года. А нас снова ждёт целая куча дед-лайнов, сдача курсовой и сессия
Стараюсь не откладывать все на последний момент и делаю все постепенно, чтобы не впадать в депрессию ( ну или хотя бы попытаюсь правильно распределить время✨ )
У вас есть какие-то свои лайфхаки или правила тайм-менеджмента?
И очень интересно, как проходит ваша подготовка к экзаменам ( и продвигается ли вообще, потому что я готовиться ещё даже не начинала )
Guten Morgen ihr lieben
Heute mal ein Bild mit wenig rosa , ganz ohne is echt schwer wünsch euch einen tollen Tag .
#beige #champagnerose #rose #altrosa #shabbychic #shabbydecor #landhausstil #meinlandhausstyle #dekoliebe #dekoideen #dekoverliebt #romanticdecor #romance #schleierkraut #meinzuhause #whiteliving #einfachsoschönes by @rosaan03 #beimirdaheim #solebeich #meinedeko #romantichomes #nostalgie #spitzendeckchen #landhaus #esszimmerdekor
Let’s do something. Let’s all take a look at our calendars. Pick a weekend you haven’t made any plans for yet. Reserve that weekend for you and you only. Make no other plans than to read, binge on snacks and watch your favorite movies. Vow to pamper yourself with home spas, your favorite food, and your favorite pj’s. Pick that weekend right now, and comment your dates below. Treat yourselves.
The reason for this post is because every time I ask about your weekend plans, I always get a few who’s stressed out, but who don’t get to unwind that particular weekend. So this one’s for you. You deserve this.