starwars benskywalker lukeskywalker anakinskywalker hansolo leiaorgana bensolo darthvader kyloren obiwankenobi ahsokatano anewhope attackoftheclones captainrex empirestirkesback jedi lordvader masteryoda padmeamidala rebels returnofthejedi revengeofthesith theforceawakens thephantommenace theriseofskywalker skywalkers clonewars theclonewars starwarslegends captainrex
The children of the Rebellion heroes who defeated the Empire!
Anakin Solo: the Hero who sacrificed himself
Ben Skywalker: the Jedi son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker
Jaina Solo: the Sword of the Jedi
Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus: the Sith Lord and former Jedi Knight
Happy May the 4th be with you or in simpler words happy Star Wars day! I love Star Wars so much!!! I haven’t edited Star Wars in 1-2 years I decided to try and edit my fav Legends characters! I have more favs, but these are some of my most fav of them all! Anyway I own nothing used and may the force be with you all
#starwarsedit #starwars #jainasolo #anakinsolo #benskywalker #jacensolo #darthcaedus #starwarslegends #hansolo #leiaorgana #marajadeskywalker #lukeskywalker #anakinsoloedit #benskywalkeredit #jainasoloedit #jacensoloedit #darthcaedusedit #starwarspage #omgstarwars #maythe4thbewithyou #maythefourthbewithyou
DT: @dcrebirths @darkravxn @stcrkswayne @starrylaufeyscn @nightbxtch @excapxsm @cins.p @_.mymultifaves._ @varhagno @jayroyslut @forsakenhuntress @dcmarvel_more.edits @ym4ya @inqlorious @kenobiedits + any Star Wars fans
AC: @/editsbyaliza
CC: mine
Fandom: various Star Wars legends drawings
Song: 16 Shots
Program: Video Star
Great re-do of the original STAR WARS lightsaber battle between DARTH VADER and OBI-WAN KENOBI by YouTuber FXitinPost. Definitely “most impressive” as Darth Vader would say and I’m sure we are going to see more reimaginings from FXitinPost! . #starwars #starwarsanewhope #darthvader #obiwankenobi #obiwan #lightsaber #lightsabers #lightsaberduel #starwarsix #starwarscelebration #starwarsthelastjedi #starwarstheriseofskywalker #starwarsthelastjedi #lukeskywalker #rey #reylo #kyloren #benskywalker #landocalrissian #lando #C3PO #BB8 #lucasfilm #lucasfilms #fixitinpost
Jedi Signature Series Wave 2 - Ben Skywalker (custom figure made by @mrjedi1977) #starwars #starwarscustoms #customactionfigures #customfigures #customfigure #theplasticgalaxy #jedilanecustoms #starwarscollector #starwarsactionfigures #starwarstoys #starwarstoypix #starwarstoypics #starwarstoyfigs #starwarstoycrew #starwarsforever #starwarsgeek #starwarsnerd #toyunion #toypics #toy #toys4life #actionfigure #actionfigures #actionfigure #toycollector #toycommunity #jediorder #jedi #jedimaster #benskywalker
#SithSunday: Mara Jade was an Emperor's Hand and a dark side practitioner. She was later turned back to the light side by Luke Skywalker and she became Mara Jade Skywalker.
She may not be a true Sith but she's fitting today for Mother's Day. She mothered a child with Luke who was named Ben after Ben Kenobi.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. May the Force be with you all.
The philosophy of the #BaranDo centered on finding inner peace and calm, while growing closer to the Force by heeding it. The Sages spent much of their time in meditation, contemplating the mysteries of the Force. They counselled against rash actions which many mistook for empathy or a reluctance to act, instead, they were waiting for the precise moment as dictated by the Force. They were not a militant order but had the option of learning martial arts. Those who did train became powerful Force combatants and displayed strong telekinesis. The Sages acted as advisors and seers to the leaders of Kel Dor society and first used the Force to amplify their natural senses, which allowed them to detect dangerous weather patterns in advance, saving countless lives of their people by warning of impending natural disasters. As they spent more time meditating on the nature of the Force they found the could sense the future, becoming more valuable to society by preventing wars and catastrophes in advance. However, this changed with the rise of the Galactic Republic and the #JediOrder . Kel Dor families with force sensitive children were taken by the Jedi as their training and understanding of the Force eclipsed the Baran Do. The Sages fell into obscurity and were forgotten by the galaxy, even on Dorin fell out of public view and were remembered as eccentric wizards. However they did not disappear completely and some #Jedi, such as #PloKoon, was a member of both orders. Due to their obscurity, they were unaffected by the Great Jedi Purge and survived. They contacted #LukeSkywalker in hopes to work with his New Jedi Order. His nephew #JacenSolo sought them out in his exploration of new Force Techniques. After his fall to #DarthCaedus, Luke and his son #BenSkywalker sought out the Baran Do searching for reasons to Jacen’s fall to the dark side.
Planet of Origin: Dorin
Appearances: #legends #expandeduniverse
#StarWars #darthvader #r2d2 #starwarsnerd #georgelucas #starwarsgeek #millenniumfalcon #theempire #galacticempire #starwarsfacts #hansolo #lukeskywalker #skywalker #deathstar #empirestrikesback #esb #anh #rotj #snowtrooper #originaltrilogy