New for 2018! My knife reviews will now be benefiting from truly quantifiable sharpness measurements thanks to the Edge On Up, BESS certified, PT50A tester.
Here, the @lionsteelknives
T5 MI has a BESS 'C' score of 231. That is very good for a factory edge. #edgeonup #besscertified #sharp #sharpening #lionsteel
Ended up needing to modify the clamp system for the low angle #wickededge system to work on #glestain knives. Got them both down to beyond razor sharp #besscertified then forgot to post about it all week while using them. These things had some unique edges to work with which end in a supremely sharp edge.
#glestainsharpening #knifesharpening #wickededgeusa #microceramic #40kgrit #micronsharpening #kniferoll #culinaryarts
Will be working some factory #glestain #glestainknife edges up today; it's apparent which one has been used more but I'll be trying a #sextuplebevel to compliment the large convexity near the edge on glestain. Going to try an 18*-15*-12* edge, with the 12* sitting somewhere between a #microbevel and normal bevel. But not before a 25 mile ride! Likely will update later today with microscope shots.
#wickededge #wickededgeusa #microceramic #ceramicstones #knifesharpening #glestainsharpening #makingameatknife #edgeonup #besscertified