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Step aside Cardi ☕️
[yall it’s just an edit, stop arguing in the comments ]
Ac: me
#nickimimaj #cardib #nickiminajedit #nickiminajedits #cardibedit #cardibedits #onikamaraj #onikamirajedit #plottwistedits #plottwistedit #rapperedit #rappersedit #omgpage #nickiminajandcardib #arianagrandeedit #arianagrandeedits #nickiedit #nickiedits #arianaedit #arianaedits #cardiedit #cardiedits #exploreedit #riverdaleedits #rapedit #bhadbhabieedit #bhadbhabieedits #daniellebregoliedit #barbiedreams #goodform
Our bhabie is 16!
You are tbh the greatest person ever! I’m so glad I became part of your fandom you’ve taught me so much like don’t listen to the toxic people you are the bhadest bich ever!! I hope you have an amazing birthday GOD BLESS YOU BHABIE!❤️ dont let anyone or anything ruin your birthday! Sweet 16!!!❤️
#bhadbhabie #bhad #bhabie #teambhadbhabie #birthday #sweet16 #birthdayedit #bhadbhabieedit #explorepage #omgpage #viral #16 #2019 #16thbirthday #birthdayparty #birthdayedit #100likes #march #bhabiegang
So So So Sad
Repost plz if you like it
film: Romeo + Juliet
cr: mine
song: Lovely by Billie Eilish & Khalid
#youngleo #youngleonardodicaprio #90s #90sleo #leodicaprio #dicapriothebest #hotboy #whatseatinggilbertgrape #arniegrape #basketballdiaries #jimcarroll #romeoandjuliet #romeomontague #titanic #jackdawson #leonardodicapriofan #лайкивзаимно #лайкизалайки #лайкнитеменя #взаимныелайки #взаимныеподписки #лайкивзаимно #подписказаподписку #подпискивзаимно #bhadbhabieedit #tiktok #lovely #sosad #edits #billieeilishedits #arianagrandeedit