Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #BIBLECHALLENGE30

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Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #BIBLECHALLENGE30
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Хештеги на тему #BIBLECHALLENGE30

#Repost @cypherblue with @get_repost ・・・ This is a rarity for me, I have used this pen up entirely, it has had its ink drained and put on the pages of my prayer journal. I started using this pen on December 17th 2018 when I received it at Lake Whitney Ranch attending an spiritual retreat for engaged couples with my fiancée @evelyn26557. I have been reading two chapters of the Bible every morning and evening, and writing my prayers twice a day in this journal. It has been a blessing and I feel so accomplished using this pen as I know it was used for a great task. The journey is not over, this has become a life long habit thanks to @paulotenorio777. Thank you my friend, it has been a grand blessing. I still have plenty to read in my bible but I’m about 67% through the New Testament, it’s time to grab a new pen and keep writing my prayers. I wanted to share this, give it a try and you will see the power writing your prayers down has! God Bless Everyone! #txyouth #Biblechallenge #BibleChallenge30

Хештеги на тему #BIBLECHALLENGE30

Check out the winners of the Bible Challenge!! Congratulations . . . #txyouth #BibleChallenge30 #BibleChallenge

Хештеги на тему #BIBLECHALLENGE30

Only 4 days until we begin our Bible challenge!!! - - - Hope you are ready!! - - #txyouth #Biblechallenge30 #Biblechallenge

Хештеги на тему #BIBLECHALLENGE30

Is almost time!! Did you pick a Bible already? Make sure is one that you understand well. Picking the right sword is key! . . . #Biblechallenge30 #Biblechallenge #txyouth #gettingready

Хештеги на тему #BIBLECHALLENGE30

Happy Sabbath! This quote was by D.L Moody and is so powerful! Join us January 1st to start the 30 day Bible challenge. . . . #txyouth #BibleChallenge30 #Biblechallenge

Хештеги на тему #BIBLECHALLENGE30

Your challenge begins today!! Don’t forget to use the hashtags to share your experience #txyouth #Biblechallenge #Biblechallenge30

Хештеги на тему #BIBLECHALLENGE30

Day number one of our #Biblechallenge!! Join us!! #biblechallenge30 #txyouth #biblechallenge

Хештеги на тему #BIBLECHALLENGE30

Final week!! Make a creative post about the Bible challenge! It can be a video, a picture, words, etc. Whether is a testimony, something you have learned, or a group or church friends that did the challenge with you. Post it on your social media account. The post with most interaction, likes, shares, and comments will receive a prize! You have until this SUNDAY. On Monday we will announce the winners! Don’t forget to like our page and use the hashtags: #BibleChallenge30 #Biblechallenge #txyouth

Хештеги на тему #BIBLECHALLENGE30

Dallas Christian Academy has taken the Bible challenge to another level!!! read below! “In Dallas Christian Academy we do Bible buddies every Friday as well as Bible trivia based on the chapters they have been reading. The winning class with the correct answers gets a prize at the end. This was organized by the Student Association to make it a school wide initiative.” Pr Ray Valenzuela "Doing this every January would be a great way to start every new year. Btw, it’s going so well, we’re going to continue Bible Buddies past January. We’re planning on continuing every Friday through the end of the school year, choosing one chapter to have the big kids read and discuss with the little ones. " Jennifer Montoya and teacher at the school. If you are looking for a Bible teaching school look no more!! #BibleChallenge30 #BibleChallenge #txyouth

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