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Sat at 1200 Dallas time! I’m not taking 25 cases of playing cards with me, dividing my personal stash in half and giving it to you for just $5 a deck or $10 for foil/gilded decks- Only while these super limited supplies last! I need to get rid of them soon! I will post when the sale goes live and the link to the website. Shooting for Saturday.#magiclive #magic #cardfan #cardist #cardporn #cardistry #cardistryjam #cardistrycon #thevirts #theory11 #ellusionist #worldcardexperts #fontainecards #xtremehandz #handlordz #playingcards #playingcardcollector #customplayingcards #customdeck #bicyclecardistry #cobracut #cardestroy #magic #magician #virtuoso #virts #artofplay #bestcardistalive
The guns I build are not just for show. I train by shooting my playing cards. I’m a card expert and NRA firearms instructor/ex swat, special tactics training/evaluator. I enjoy combining my passions. #xcm #magic #cardfan #cardist #cardporn #cardistry #cardistryjam #cardistrycon #thevirts #theory11 #ellusionist #worldcardexperts #fontainecards #xtremehandz #handlordz #playingcards #playingcardcollector #customplayingcards #customdeck #bicyclecardistry #cobracut #cardestroy #magic #magician #virtuoso #virts #artofplay #bestcardistalive
Cobra this bitch! KOS is always me :) De’vo’s Masters Series - Dark Lordz Coming Next weekend!! #magiclive #magic #cardfan #cardist #cardporn #cardistry #cardistryjam #cardistrycon #thevirts #theory11 #ellusionist #worldcardexperts #fontainecards #xtremehandz #handlordz #playingcards #playingcardcollector #customplayingcards #customdeck #bicyclecardistry #cobracut #cardestroy #magic #magician #virtuoso #virts #artofplay #bestcardistalive
De’vo’s Masters Series - Dark Lordz Coming Soon! #magic #cardfan #cardist #cardporn #cardistry #cardistryjam #cardistrycon #thevirts #theory11 #ellusionist #worldcardexperts #fontainecards #xtremehandz #handlordz #playingcards #playingcardcollector #customplayingcards #customdeck #bicyclecardistry #cobracut #cardestroy #magic #magician #virtuoso #virts #artofplay #bestcardistalive
Watching my old card masters video. #magic #cardfan #cardist #cardporn #cardistry #cardistryjam #cardistrycon #thevirts #theory11 #ellusionist #worldcardexperts #fontainecards #xtremehandz #handlordz #playingcards #playingcardcollector #customplayingcards #customdeck #bicyclecardistry #cobracut #cardestroy #magic #magician #virtuoso #virts #artofplay #bestcardistalive