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A timeless message that it is too true! don't get caught in the mindless spending as too many do. If you spend money on expensive things, do it for yourself - never to impress others!
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A long time ago, I was having a chat with a very successful friend of mine.
We were talking about business and bragging about our wins.
But I could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong.
He looked miserable…
And he said to me… “Darren, I don’t know if I can take this anymore”. Out of curiosity, I asked him, “Don’t you like what you do?”. And he said “no”. You see, most people get into a career they don’t like, and they spend most of their life working hard without getting any sense of fulfillment.
That’s why it’s not about how much money you make, but how you make them.
You could make a lot of money doing something you dislike, but at the end of your life you’ll be filled with regret.
So ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing right now something I would do for the rest of my life?”. A lot of my students were not satisfied with their job and life, so they came to me and learned a high income skill that could make them a great living, while giving them the freedom to live life on their own terms.
If you want to know how they did it, send me a dm.
If there was one thing you would do for a living for the rest of your life, what would that be? Comment below.
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Nowadays, a dead smartphone battery can mean disaster. Unlike wall sockets and bulky power banks, Fingerpow makes charging more accesible. .
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