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#Repost @bjjacademy
Pense em uma guarda enjoada!!! #jiujitsubrasil #jiujitsunaveia #bjjforlife #bjj4live #oss #bjjgirls #bjjlife #bjjmotivation #bjjlifestyle #bjjvideos #jiujitsulifestyle #estilojiujiteiro #jiujitsufeminino #bjjbrownbelt #jiujitsuparatodos #conormcgregor #jiujitsumemes #jiujitsugirls #jiujitsufamily #jiujitsuforlife #brazilianjiujitsu #blackbelt #pe_no_combate #movies #instamovies #insta
I break the grip to Arm Drag towards their hip..
I then reach over their back, taking my hip out slightly if I need to, hugging over their back..
You’ll notice that once you switch the position of the head, in towards their body you create a great angle for leverage
Dive your hand under to grab under their leg and you can sweep them over and onto their back with very little effort!
Finish up high controlling both Elbows so they are off the ground!
#bjjtechnique #jiujitsufamily #bjjdrills #bjjsweeps #bjjtransitions #bjjproblems #bjjathlete #jiujitsulifestyles #brazilianjujitsu #jiujitsujourney #jiujitsugi #bjjtechniques #bjjvideo #jiujitsuvideos #bjjbrownbelt #jiujitsubrotherhood #jiujitsubrasil #martialartists #selfdefense #bjjforeveryone #beginnersbjj #beginnersjiujitsu #graciebjj #graciejiujitsu #brazilianjuijitsu #brazilianjiujitsu4life
Quedando e finalizando!#jiujitsubrasil #jiujitsunaveia #bjjforlife #bjj4live #oss #bjjgirls #bjjlife #bjjmotivation #bjjlifestyle #bjjvideos #jiujitsulifestyle #estilojiujiteiro #jiujitsufeminino #bjjbrownbelt #jiujitsuparatodos #jiujitsumemes #jiujitsugirls #jiujitsufamily #jiujitsuforlife #brazilianjiujitsu #blackbelt
So my belt changed colour last night. A huge thank you to the boss @realroyce Gracie for the promotion. As always I will do my best to represent the system. Also a huge thank you to everyone who has been present during my journey with Jiu Jitsu. Without all of you I wouldn’t have what I have today. Very humbled #graciejiujitsu #ormskirk #jiujitsu #bjjbrownbelt #selfdefence #martialarts #heliogracie #carlosgracie #roycegracie