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Body Ninja 250 Karbu Model M1
Source pict from Modifika's partner
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Info selengkapnya klik Link di Bio profile instagram kami @modifika_ninja/ atau bisa Whatsapp : 0895337042233
Modifika! Belanja Modifikasi Kawasaki Ninja Series Aman,Nyaman dan Terpercaya!
#modifikasininja #variasininja #aksesorisninja #bodyninja
Amazing Tuesday night at Bootcamp! Come try it out! If you are looking for guidance in creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself, we can help. We have an amazing leader @bodyninjafitness and an amazing crew!❤️ you will not regret it! The 1st class is free so you have no excuse to not come try it! We have all different levels of where people are at fitness wise and we tailor each work out to meet your own abilities while also pushing you to improve. Bootcamp classes are Monday-Thursday evenings at 7pm, Monday-Friday Mornings at 6am and Saturday at 9am. DM me@for more information or questions! #bodyninja #trainhardplayhard #itsuptoyou #healthylifestyle #bodypositive #bodyninjacrew #bodyninjafitness #bodyninjatrainer #nothingbeatshardwork #itsnoteasyitsworthit #fullbodyworkout #fatloss #musclegains #fitnessjourney #fitnessgoals2018 #itstimetomakeachange
Amazing first day back to the gym. After finding out I have a some serious issues with my back that need corrected I felt broken and helpless but I told myself that I am not weak. I can fix this. I can adapt my training and make myself even stronger while fixing the issue. There is no giving up! I am not myself if I can not train so that is not an option! #neverbreak #cantbebeat #onlyanobstacle #trainhardplayhard #bodyninja #iamstrong #iambeautiful #iamfearless #bodyninjaelite
Tonight’s Body Ninja workout! Killed our arms! Remember every workout you do puts your closer to your goal! Do work! Get results! #bodyninja #bodyninjatrainer #bodyninjacrew #bodyninjafitness #changinglives #armday #wemotivateeachother #trainhardplayhard #wehavefun #bodyninjaway #reachinggoalstogether