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A remix of Ziprexa’s Lake, a piece from my first album. Played with my @charvelusa custom. Enjoy! Full video in bio! Directed by @ugo_bolzoni @newfrontiersrecordingstudio @bogner_amps @dimarzioinc @weareeminence @jimdunlopusa @gruvgear @strymonengineering #danielegottardo #ziprexalake #frenzyofecstasy #shredfusion #rockfusion #strymontimeline #bogneruberschall #guitarporn #tapping #dunlop #dimarzio #eminencespeakers #gruvgear #charvelguitars #charvelcustomshop
Today's test day! We compared a few pedals: REVV G3 vs. Bogner Ecstasy vs. Bogner Überschall vs. Friedman BE-OD vs. Diezel VH4 pedals ️ Everything is done in 3 rounds
1) into HotRod preamp
2) into HotRod poweramp
3) into Mooer Radar
The full video is on our YouTube channel, go check it out! #Pedalboard #GuitarPedal #RevvG4 #BognerEcstacy #BognerUberschall #FriedmanBEOD #DiezelVH4 #OverdrivePedals #DistortionPedals @diezelamps @revvamps @bogner_amps @friedman_amplifiers
#jacksonrandyrhoads #namm #jacksoncustomshop #randyrhoadsguitar #randyrhoads #officialjacksonguitars #jacksonguitars #metal #rock #guitar #electricguitar #emg #emgpickups #elixirstrings #kemperamps #kemper #bogneramplification #bogneruberschall #lickwars #riffwars #instaguitar #customshop #thrashmetal #canon #gopro #levysleathers @officialjacksonguitars @versace #cover #levysleathers #forwhomthebelltolls #metallica
Was talking about Thunderhorse the other day at work and decided to learn it. Throwback to them Guitar Hero days. #dethklok #metalocalypse #brendonsmall #thunderhorse #kieselguitars #kiesel #kemper #kemperprofiler #bogneruberschall #kieselariesmultiscale #6string #kieselam6 #mycatdoesntcare #shred #guitarhero #excuseanymistakes
Pemandangan alam yg indah...#mesaboogie #mesaboogierectifier #mesaboogieroadking2 #diezelvh4 #diezelhagen #peavey5150 #peavey6505plus #soldanoslo100 #bogneruberschall #bognerecstasy #bognerecsrasyanniversary #englrichieblackmore #marshalljcm800 #marshalljcm800kk #marshalldsl100h #marshalljvm #ampjunkie