bookbinder bookbinding handmade okumak kitapkurdu okudumokuyun book okumahalleri booklove ebrununkitaplar handmadebook kitapkahve kitaplariyikivar kitapsever kitapvatani okudumbitti bookblog bookstagram encaderna reader kitap kitaplik kitapokufotografcek bookphoto instakitap instakitapyorumu kitapyorumu bookbindery vzbrelo_в_наличии
Got the sewing done on the book I'm repairing. Originally sewn on 5 raised cords, in an effort to get enough time to finish it during the class I have sewn it on 3 flattened cored and will put flase raised cords on the hollow tube that will go on the spine! Two more days left of the class! I'll have 3 books repaired by the end! .
#bookstagram #bookbinder #book #alwayslearning #bibliophile #oldbooks #class #cbbag #student #learning #repair #historical #tradeskills #bookobsessed
The work goes on.. Questions ? ...#reliure #relieur #finebinding #bookbinding #rarebook #metierdart #artcraft #bookarts #madeinitaly #bibliofilia #bookcollector #bibliophile #livrerare #rarebook #luigicastiglionirelieur #bookbinder #livredart #collection #bibliophilie #bibliophily #krauseleather #peaukrause #boxcalf #leathercover #frenchbinding #reliurealafrancaise #reliurecontemporaine #contemporarybinding #luigicastiglionibookbinder