botanicaltattoo tattoo flowertattoo floraltattoo blackwork dotwork dotworktattoo linework blacktattoo blackworkers botanical finelinetattoo blackworktattoo inked blackworknow blackworksubmission colortattoo flowers inkedgirl ladytattooers lineworktattoo nature tattooapprentice tattoodesign tattoos artist barcelonatattoo bcnttt queertattooartist
▪️Booking ist closed ▪️Next opening for September-December on 1.08. ———————————————————
#botanicaltattoo #botanicaltattooing #planttattoo #axelejsmont #berlintattooart
#tattrx #btatttoing #inkstinct #bodyartmag #taot #berlintattoos #willsubmission #berlitattoo #dotworktattoo #theblackmasters #femaletattooartist ———————————————————
Before color pic of the floral piece I did for @the_digital_swan. Thanks for looking! #tylertx #tylertexas #texastattooartist #texastattoo #etx #easttexas #blackworktattoos #blackworkersubmission #dotwork #lineart #wip #floral #floraltattoo #theflorist #botanical #botanicaltattoo #jwhitttattooer #jwhitt
AVAILABLE: Coyotillo is such an interesting plant! It’s a shrub that grows in Texas. Those little, shiny black berries are incredibly dangerous. If you eat them they cause paralysis, but not straight away. It can be days or even weeks later when it sets in. Starting at the feet it works it’s way up until it reaches the respiratory system and then on to the tongue and throat. So, if someone offers you some little black berries I’d probably recommend you decline! .
This design is available, colour, black and grey or blackwork. Email me using the link in my profile for more information. You can see the timelapse of this in my story.
Spamming you this weekend because I’m bored .
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