bovimanonfire tokemakinwa burnaboy hustlersquare naijabrandchick aylive kweseiflix lagosevents tiwasavage burnaboygram dbanj donjazzy eventcenter eventcentre eventcentreinlagos eventcentreinwarri hustlersquaregang manonfire mrjollof warriagain warriagainlagosedition warricoolcats warrievents warriupdate bovi tundeednut brodashaggi conference conferencecentre conferencehall partyofyourdreams
It was stripping left and right as Bovi and his wife have some fun at her 30th birthday party last night . .
The #dirty30 was held at the civic Centre yesterday.
@moleblogspot .
#moleblogspot #krisugboma #bovimanonfire #bovi #entertainment #blogger #naijaceleb #àṣéwẹ́rẹ́niṣẹ́olúwa #dirty30kris
See ehhn, the last 2 weeks haven't been the most interesting one for me. I'm typically the one to encourage people and tell them how much God loves them when they are down but I couldn't bring myself to encouraging myseĺf. I won't lie, it was hard.
Then I saw that I was losing my strength, because your strength is connected to your joy. I had to make a conscious effort to be joyful. Then I was reminded of the fact that ALL things work together for good for those who love God.
Listened to @joelosteen and he reminded me of how worrying does not change anything! Leave it to God and go to rest!
I may not know what tomorrow holds, but the good news is- I know who holds tomorrow!!!
That said, I decided I needed to laugh, so I showed up at Bovi's concert #BoviManOnFire. And yup, got some good medicine for my soul, laughter!!! Thank you @oliveemodi for making sure I had a good time. Love you
#GodsLittleGirl #Mojibadeshow #Dauntless #ShinngStar