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@kingryang gets the stoppage win after Jose Lopez doesn’t come out for Round 3. What’s next for #Flash
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Monday trying to get you like whoa! I ain’t having it! #Repost with @get_repost
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Boxing isn’t just a sport for me. It’s therapy #ladiesthatfight
: @girlboxerwithcp
Boxing with Cerebral Palsy? Boxing is an incredible challenge for someone with Cerebral Palsy! Fast hand work, reaction time, strength, power, core work and resilience are all major tasks when messages that travel from the brain to the limb get jumbled in transition
Imagine reaching out to grab something - instead of a smooth transition from A to B, this task would take a CP person much longer, thanks to infrequent signals from the brain and involuntary movement.
With this in mind, now imagine doing a boxing combo where it’s all about speed, coordination and power! The whole time your mind knows exactly what you need to do but the signals from your brain to limb suggests otherwise! - AKA CHALLENGE!
Boxing isn’t just a sport for me. It’s therapy, it’s re-educating the brain, it’s the ultimate challenge and it’s an incredible journey! ❤️ Next time I watch a boxer perform a drill, I’ll remember this and instead of feeling despondent because I’ll never be as fast as them, I’ll try and think, yeah, I’m doing alright, all things considered! ♀️
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