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Thanks NH ONYX boxing club for this amazing outfit! They are so comfortable and fashionable! I love the legging so much since it’s high-waisted and so soft! @nh_onyx_boxing_club is located in North Huntsville, AL. Eugene Lewis, the head coach of the club reached out to me and sent me these amazing merchandises! I’ll be doing a review video about these merch and the background of this boxing club! Stay tuned! Btw, this legging is only $15! So you can get yours now through their Instagram page! .
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Just kinda walking around ♀️ Outfit and shoes from @keycouture_ ✨ #keycouture #ad
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#Repost @f4studios with @get_repost
Custom Outfit for Devon "Alexander The Great" @dalexander1 All outfit made with Ostrich skin with Swarovski Crystals. #F4STUDIOS #GreatestOutfitsInTheHistoryofBoxing #customboxingoutfits
#boxingoutfits #boxingoutfit #fightwear2champions #boxingkit #worldchampion #customoutfit #proboxer #worldchamp #boxingtrunks #kitforboxer #boxingshorts #boxing #hurtbusiness #boxeo #boxinggear #championsboxinstyle #ringattire #andreberto #devonalexander #alexanderthegreat #alexanderberto #swarovski @cunningham_kevin01