bringgoodenergy enlightenment goodvibes affirmations alignment beinggoodenergy beyou datslaw energy frequencies lawofattraction lookwithin omnism positivevibesonly reciprocalenergy remainyou selfawareness spirituality vibratehigher ancestors janetterrelljones theselips drinkfresh eatbetternotless eatfresh fitish manifestthatshit movediff frequencies
Reach for your best, today, right now, in the moment! Pictured, Shoulder Bridge, one of my favorite Pilates exercises! This was taken in Bridgeport at the ♀️ Blessed to have the owners of @3mermaidspub as clients for so many years and to be a @lululemon ambassador ❤️ This was a fun class to teach! .
#reachforit #pilatesshoulderbridge #pilatesclass #mobletrainer #pilatesteacher #shoulderbridge #threemermaidspublichouse #glutesfordays #workitout #lululemonambassador #bringgoodenergy #pilatesstrong #weekendworkoutvibes #pdxpilates
It’s Friday #positivevibesonly 5:45 am Sunrise Flow with @coleyfranchino 9:30 am Warm Aligned Flow with @dinacrosta 4:30 pm Kids Yoga 5 week Series with @ngoetchius 5:30 pm Hatha with @ngoetchius #happyfriday #bringgoodenergy #positivevibes #positivethoughts #beresponsiblefortheenergyyoubring #kidsyoga #hathayoga #riseandshine
Own it!! Energy.. what’s your energy? Mine can change depending on what’s going on in life and I can’t really hide it too well, but as soon as you can become transparent about it you then have a choice to change it or make everyone else feel that energy!! I want others to feel positive, encouraging, uplifting, hopeful, loving, compassionate and HAPPY! So that’s what I want to bring! Spread your good energy people!! @practicallyfrivolous .
#goodenergy #bemindful #bringgoodenergy #compassionate #lovingothers #stpetehair #goodvibesonly #beresponsible #ownit #entrepreneurlife #stpetestylist #stpeteartist #inspriring #inspirational #upliftothers #spreadlove #behindthechair
Some days you wake up inspired to change the world, other days your baby kept you up all night coughing and nursing -
I was the ladder. I didn’t wake up at 4:30 and do cardio with Sean like he wanted. I woke up in a funk And I sure as heck would have rather eaten a donut then that Swiss oatmeal (although, so good!) -
But I turned that frown upside down, and busted out a 30 minute workout! Now I’m ready to give my all today. -
Reminding myself I can do hard things. I am strong. And I can do anything I set my mind to. -
YOU CAN TOO! Now get out there and grab today by the ⚽️ and make happen!
#8monthspostpartum #transformyourlife #bringgoodenergy #dohardthings #workhardplayhard #strongasamother #strongAF #SoreAF #homeworkouts #instablogger